

AS - Level Physics (Mechanics and Materials) Flashcards on Projectiles, created by Elliephant Brown on 02/06/2016.
Elliephant Brown
Flashcards by Elliephant Brown, updated more than 1 year ago
Elliephant Brown
Created by Elliephant Brown over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A projectile is any object that is acted upon by the force of gravity. Projectile motion has both horizontal and vertical components which must be dealt with individually. Time does not affect the individual components as they both reach the ground at the same instant. The acceleration of the object is always equal to gravity (9.81ms^-2). Acceleration only acts vertically on the object as it acts downwards. Horizontal component of the object is always at constant speed as there is no horizontal acceleration.
Vertical projection: s=ut+1/2at^2 Where u is the initial velocity in the upwards direction. Horizontal projection: The path of the projectile is always curved and becomes steeper as the object drops. The faster the projection, the further it falls. v=d/t (no acceleration).
When projecting an object the following things will be noticeable: The horizontal position of the object will change by equal distances. The vertical position will increase at the same rate.
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