cp1401 weeks 5-7


flip cards for weeks 5-7
Flashcards by d_cull91, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by d_cull91 almost 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Compiled Languages Source code (written by a programmer) is processed by software tools which link it to any other code it uses, and produces a stand-alone executable file
Interpreted Languages No processing done before runtime Code is ‘interpreted’ on the users computer by special software
Syntax error? The program won’t compile due incorrectly written characters or tokens in the program. Read error messages
What is a logic error? The program will run but does not produce the correct result or the intended result.
What is refactoring? Each time you work on your code look for ways to improve its readability
What is black box theory? We don't need to know exactly how a function works in order to use it
variable scope? Scope can be either local or global Local variables can only be accessed within the function Global variables can be used anywhere in the program
Local scope The only way that different parts of the program can communicate with each other is by passing values between functions Due to scope restrictions, unless the function returns the value to main, main will not be able to access it This aids in debugging, as we can tell more easily where the error is if we limit communication within the program
Global scope At times it may be more useful to store values which are seldom (or never) updated as global variables Global variables are accessible anywhere in the program and do not have to be passed into functions
What is the difference betwween "=" and "==" = is the assignment operator == is an evaluation operator
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