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What is Friction


7 Science Flashcards on What is Friction, created by Favour Gondor on 09/06/2016.
Favour Gondor
Flashcards by Favour Gondor, updated more than 1 year ago
Favour Gondor
Created by Favour Gondor over 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Friction? Friction is a force that makes two moving objects stop. For example rub your hands together as hard as you can, maybe your hands will stop. That means there is an act in Friction.
What is useful Friction? Useful Friction is Friction that we need to do, it allows us to do important stuff such as walk, run, drive, ride a bike or even pick things up.
What is Newtons First Law? Newtons First Law states that an object standing still or moving will continue to do so until kicked or stopped.
How is Friction important? Friction is really important because without Friction we wouldn't be able to do our normal daily tasks such as run, walk, drive or write
How does Friction allow us to walk? We push our feet onto the ground which makes our body move up and forward
What affects Friction? There are two things that affect friction these are how hard the surfaces in contact are and how hard the surfaces are pushed together.
How could you reduce Friction? You could reduce Friction by using lubricants, ball bearings, wheels or even air resistance.
What are Lubricants? Lubricants are chemicals used to make two moving objects slippery. For example oil, greese, water and soap.
What are Ball Bearings? A bearing in which the parts are separated by a ring of small freely rotatling metal balls which reduce friction.
What are wheels? Wheels are round circles that rotate while being moved across the ground
What is Air Resistance? Travelling on a blanket of air with little friction.
What is the opposite of Friction? The opposite of Friction is Motion.
What does reducing Friction do? It makes machines more efficient.
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