Literacy 202


literacy 202 exam prep cards
Jordyn Pitman
Flashcards by Jordyn Pitman, updated more than 1 year ago
Jordyn Pitman
Created by Jordyn Pitman over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Writing process Forming intentions Composing and drafting Proofreading and editing Publishing Sharing and conferencing Assessment and goal setting
Forming intentions choose topic and text form decide on purpose and audience gather information discuss plan with a buddy
Composing and drafting Set ideas sequentially organise information and make links between paragraphs gain feedback from others Decide on what to add/remove attend to deep features/structure
Proof reading and Editing Act on feedback Re-read and evaluate clarity Elaborate on ideas proofread checking surface features
Publishing decide on how to publish insert graphics, colour, font finalise text
Sharing and conferencing & Assessment and goal setting evaluate progress and mark off success criteria be proud of work show others and give constructive show 'where to next'
Persuasive text DATS modelling co-construction of resources feedback clear timelines for process
Persuasive text Language features passive voice verbs first person specialised vocabulary past tense emotive langage evidence connectors
Persuasive text structure Sequenced in importance concluding sentence opening sentence / thesis opinion background information points to back up thesis examples and facts
persuasive and information - inquiry model starters inquiry to find facts/info/data persuasive and info are factual texts info (describe, compare, analyse, observe) pers (propose, p.o.v, explain, adapt action for change)
Zumbrunn & Kraus 2012 Effective writing instruction... - encourages student motivation and engagement - begins with clear and deliberate planning - is a scaffolded collaboration between teachers and students
Assessment for learning formative for the teacher to inform further learning informal
Assessment of learning summative for the student to inform the learning achieved formal / Nat Standards
Assessment as learning student led to inform understandings and misconceptions
Reading language assessments Three level guide: Literal (read on the line) Inference (read between the line) Application (read beyond the line)
Oral language assessments .
Written language assessments .
Visual language assessments .
Multi-modal approaches generic speech debate poster brochure letter to editor poem
text features that may cause challenges brackets asterisks timelines technical vocabulary
text features that support learning bold headings images/graphics text boxes paragraphing
Comprehension strategies summarising visualising asking questions making connections skimming and scanning predicting developing PK
Information skills part of a book locating subtopics locating/using key words using a glossary footnotes
information skills dictionary find words quickly definitions words similar to check spelling derivations
developing vocab and comprehension strategies .
The boy in the striped pyjamas john boyne 2006 based on a true story
TBITSP plot 1 intro to bruno intro to WW2 German officer (dad) job move from berlin to poland (auschwitz)
TBITSP plot 2 Nazi vs Jewish conflict introduced conflict with family bruno decides to escape
TBITSP plot 3 explores beyond the ended backyard meets a boy shmuel everyday bruno sneaks around shmuel as a boy prisoner make a bond
TBITSP plot 4 bruno enters prisoner side of the fence wearing striped pyjamas shmuel got boys go to find shmuels father in prison centre
TBITSP plot 5 bruno and shmuel get locked inside no way out
TBITSP plot 6 murder occurs inside gas chamber parents never discover this parents enter world of pain and despair
importance of characters contrast and similarities between shmuel and bruno importance of family and friends
benefits of story lead to social studies inquiry historical context world war 2 and holocaust info
themes in story friendship race freedom and confinement
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