Digestive System


Digestive System
Amelia Claire
Flashcards by Amelia Claire, updated more than 1 year ago
Amelia Claire
Created by Amelia Claire over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
digestive system - from teeth to anus
damn pancreas
Functions of the Digestive System 1. Ingestion 2. Mechanical Processing 3. Digestion 4. Secretion 5. Absorption 6. Excretion
Digestive Organs Mouth Pharynx Oesophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine
Accessory Organs Teeth Tongue Salivary Glands Liver Gallbladder Pancreas
Mouth oral cavity; ingestion mechanical processing, secretion and begin chemical digestion of carbohydrates
Pharynx Muscular propulsion of food into the oesophagus - transport
Oesophagus Transports materials to stomach
Stomach sits under the liver; first major site of chemical digestion and mechanical processing (churning and mixing with secretions) to provide chemical breakdown
Small intestine main and final site of chemical digestion, where absorption begins. enzymatic digestion
large intestine AKA colon - dehydration and compaction of waste products; mass movement defamation process
Teeth & Tongue mechanical processing - move food around mouth to swallow; sensory analysis of food
salivary glands release/secrete lubricating fluids and enzymes; help to swallow food
Liver produces and secretes bile; stores nutrients absorbed by GIT, Bile is important for lipid digestion
Gallbladder stores bile and releases it when required by the GIT into the duodenum
Pancreas exocrine secretion of buffers for digestive enzymes, endocrine cells secrete hormones
Mesentery Serous membrane; two sheets made of areolar connective tissue; supplies blood, nerves and lymphatics to GIT Stabilises and attaches digestive organs to peritoneal cavity; stops them falling down or tangling up
Histological organisation mucosa submucosa muscular externa serosa (attaches to mesentery)
about the mucosa (mucous membrane) Has lamina propria (blood vessels and lymphatics) and muscular mucosa; longitudinal folds and circular folds villi and microvilli in SI areolar tissue Smooth muscle cells that work in different directions for peristalsis and segmentation
Submucosa dense irregular connective tissue surrounds muscular mucosa and minds to muscularis external. Has blood and lymph; exocrine glands secrete buffers and enemies. Submucosal plexus innervates mucosa and submucosa;
Serous membrane covers muscular externa; attaches to mesentery
digestive epithelium Mouth: stratified squamous Stomach, SI, LI: simple Columnar (goblet cells, villi in SI) Mucous protects against damage by acids and enzymes or bacteria
Specialised Epithelial Cells Stem Cells - constant renewal Enteroendocrine - secrete hormones to coordinate digestive functions Goblet Cells - secrete mucus to protect and lubricate Paneth's Cells - protect against microbes by secreting antimicrobial peptides; defensins
Smooth Muscle Movement Coordinated by enteric nervous system Innervated by the Parasympathetic Nervous System division of autonomic nervous system
digestive movement
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