Magnetic Fields


7 Science Flashcards on Magnetic Fields, created by Favour Gondor on 14/06/2016.
Favour Gondor
Flashcards by Favour Gondor, updated more than 1 year ago
Favour Gondor
Created by Favour Gondor over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a Magnetic Field? A magnetic field is the space around a magnet where a magnet force is experienced.
Why is an object pulled down towards Earth? The earth has a gravitational force a field.
What is Steel made of? Steel is made of Iron.
What are 3 Materials a magnet attracts? A magnet attracts Iron, Cobalt and nickel.
What are the ends of a magnet called? The ends of a magnet are called poles.
What are the poles of a magnet called? The poles of a magnet are called North Pole and South Pole.
What are atoms? Atoms are little particles that make up everything. Atoms are only microscopic meaning you can only see through a microscope but not through the naked eye.
What is a permanent magnet? A permanent magnet is a magnet that stays magnetic for a long period of time.
MaWhat is a Temporary magnet? A temporary magnet is a magnet that keeps its magnetism for a short period of time.
What is an insulator? An insulator is a substance through which electrons do not flow.
What is static electricity? Static electricity is a build up of electric charge.
What is a conductor? A conductor is a substance through which substances do flow.
What is positive charged? Positive charged is having more positive charges than negative charges.
What is negative charged? Negative charged is having more negative charges than positive charges.
Picture of a magnet.
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