Lord of the Flies-Simon Quotes


GCSE English Literature (Lord of the Flies) Flashcards on Lord of the Flies-Simon Quotes, created by emilyb6778 on 14/06/2016.
Flashcards by emilyb6778, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emilyb6778 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Simon is he only character that isn't lured towards savagery 'Passions beat about him with awful wings'
He is kind and possibly a Jesus like figure? 'Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach' - feeding of the 5 thousand 'Shoved his piece of meat over the rocks at Piggy'
Simon appears at one with nature and the island seems to welcome him and accept him 'They pulled together behind him' - leaves
When he dies, the island even appears to mourn his death and drag him away from the savagery of the other boys 'The water dressed Simon's course hair with brightness' 'The sun and moon were pulling'
Simon is very perceptive before anybody else that the beast (the evil on the island) is in fact themselves 'Maybe it's only us'
Before his death, he is tainted by the pig's head and told that he will not be able to escape it's evil which is now present in the boys. The pig's head (evil) attempts to lure him in and convince him that life on the island will be more fun if he gives in to savage desires 'You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you? Don't try to escape!'
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