

GCSE History Flashcards on Yalta, created by johnmccann543 on 24/02/2014.
Flashcards by johnmccann543, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by johnmccann543 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When did this happen? February 1945
Who attended this conference? "The Big Three" - Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.
What was agreed? Russia would declare war on Japan. Germany divided into four zones of occupation. Nazi war criminals punished. All three would join UNO. Eastern Europe would be a Soviet sphere of influence.
What was disagreed? They disagreed about Poland. Britain went to war with Poland in 1939 because Poland had been invaded by Germany. Therefore, Churchill wanted Poland to be independent. Stalin disagreed as he saw Poland as vital to the defence of the Soviet Union.
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