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Created by Carmen Trinh
over 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
I went to... | Fui a... |
When did you go on your holidays? | Cuando fuiste tu vacaciones? |
Last year | El año pasado |
Last summer | El verano pasado |
Last winter | El invierno pasado |
Two/five years ago | Hace dos/cinco años |
Who did you go with? | Con quién fuiste? |
I went... | .Fui... |
With my parents | Con mis padres |
With my friends | Con mis amigos |
Alone | Solo/a |
With my family | Con mi familia |
What did you do? | Qué hiciste? |
I danced | Bailé |
I met many people | Conoci a mucha gente |
I listened to music | Escuché musica |
I skied | Esquié |
I went on a trip | Fui de excursión |
I played volleyball | Jugué al voleibol |
I sent messages | Mandé mensajes |
I rode a bike | Monté en bicicleta |
I took photos | Saqué fotos |
I sunbathed | Tomé el sol |
I visited monuments | Visité monumentas |
How was it? | Qué tal lo pasaste? |
It was... | Lo pasé... |
Good | Bien |
Very good | Muy bien |
Wonderful | Fenomenal |
Great | Guay |
Rubbish | Mal |
How were your holidays? | Qué tal tus vacaciones? |
I rested | Descansé |
I went horse riding | Monté a caballo |
I swam | Nadé |
I skated | Patiné |
I did yoga | Hice yoga |
I went climbing | Hice alpinismo |
I went sailing | Hice vela |
I went sky diving | Hice caída libre |
I went to dance classes | Fui a clases de baile |
I went for a bike ride | Di una vuelta en bicicleta |
I visited places of interest | Vi lugares de interés |
I wasn't scared | No tuve miedo |
What was the weather like? | Qué tiempo hizo? |
It was good weather | Hizo bien tiempo |
It was bad weather | Hizo mal tiempo |
It was hot | Hizo calor |
It was cold | Hizo frio |
It was sunny | Hizo sol |
It was windy | Hizo viento |
It was foggy | Hizo niebla |
It was stormy | Hubo tormentas |
It rained | Llovió |
It snowed | Nevó |
How was the hotel? | Qué tal el hotel? |
I stayed in... | Me quedé en... Me alojé en... |
A five star hotel | Un hotel con cinco estrellas |
A youth hostel | Al albergue juvenil |
A campsite | Un camping |
A parador | Un parador |
A B&B | Un pensión |
It was... (Location) | Estaba.... |
On the coast | En la costa |
On the mountains | En la montaña |
In the countryside | En el campo |
Next to the beach | Al lado de la playa |
In the centre of the city | En el centro de la ciudad |
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