Sexual Reproduction in Humans_NT


These flashcards aim to tackle the basic understanding of the human reproductive systems.
Xue Li Jasmine Lian
Flashcards by Xue Li Jasmine Lian, updated more than 1 year ago
Xue Li Jasmine Lian
Created by Xue Li Jasmine Lian about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Where are the eggs released? Ovary (ovaries)
Where are the sperms produced? Testis (testes)
What helps to transport the eggs to the uterus? Fallopian tube (oviduct)
Where does the foetus (baby) grows? Uterus
Where are the sperms deposited in the female body? Vagina
What helps to transport the sperms from the testes? Sperm ducts
What transports the sperms/urine out of the male body? Urethra
What gets erect to deposit sperms in the female body? Penis
What happens during the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle? Menstruation
What happens after menstruation? Repair and growth of uterine lining
What happens on Day 14 of the menstrual cycle? Ovulation
What happens during ovulation? Egg is released from the ovary
What happens if the egg is fertilised by the sperm? Implantation
What happens if the egg is not fertilised by the sperms? Menstrual cycle restarts
What is the process that gets boys and girls get ready for reproduction? Puberty
Name 3 changes to the male body during puberty Pubic hair Facial hair Penis enlarge Voice deepens
Name 3 changes to the female body during puberty Pubic hair Breasts enlarge Hips broaden Menstrual cycle starts
Name the contraceptive method that prevents sperms from entering the female body Condom
Name the contraceptive method that prevents the sperms from meeting the egg in the female body Diaphragm
Name the contraceptive method that kills sperms Spermicide
Name the contraceptive method that prevents ovulation Contraceptive pills
Name the contraceptive method that prevents the implantation of fertilised egg Intra-uterine device (IUD)
Name the permanent contraceptive method for males Vasectomy
Name the permanent contraceptive method for females. Tubal ligation
Name the part of the male reproductive system that is cut and tied during vasectomy Sperm duct
Name the part of the female reproductive system that is cut and tied during tubal ligation Fallopian tube (oviduct)
Name 3 Sexually Transmitted Infections Gonorrhoea Syphillis AIDs
Name 3 ways to prevent contracting Sexually Transmitted Infections Keep to one sex partner Avoid sharing needles Use condom
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