
Flashcards on ALL ABOUT SOUND, created by Asaaad Dawood on 01/08/2016.
Asaaad Dawood
Flashcards by Asaaad Dawood, updated more than 1 year ago
Asaaad Dawood
Created by Asaaad Dawood over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
WHAT IS SOUND vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear.
what is compression the action of compressing or being compressed
what is a sound wave a wave of compression and rarefaction, by which sound is propagated in an elastic medium such as air.
what does rarefactions mean reduction in the density of something, especially air or a gas.
this is a common diagram of soundwaves in our everyday one
what is a longitude wave are waves in which the displacement of the medium is in the same direction as, or the opposite direction to, the direction of travel of the wave.
what is a vibrating speaker
how fast is the speed of sound 1.079e+9 km/h THAT'S LIKE..
types of waves Longitudinal wave *s - Movement of the particles are parallel to the motion of the energy. Sound waves moving through the air is an example of this type of wave. Transverse wave *s - movement of the particles are at right angles (perpendicular) to the motion of the energy.
where does sound go? they can usually goo up into the hemisphere
Did you know that a fighter jet travels at about the speed of sound WOW!!!!!!!
these are different materials will give a room different reverberation times in an unfurnished room in a furnished room, sound is absorbed by soft like heavy curtains, cushions and floor covering
what is an infrared sound? Infrasound, sometimes referred to as low-frequency sound, is sound that is lower in frequency than 20 Hz
frequency and pitch of sound A high pitch sound corresponds to a high frequency sound wave and a low pitch sound corresponds to a low frequency sound wave. Amazingly, many people, especially those who have been musically trained, are capable of detecting a difference in frequency between two separate sounds that is as little as 2 Hz.
musical instruments All musical instruments produce sound by vibration, they all produce ways and produce sounds of different characteristic qualities
How do we then hear all these vibrations? well, your ears collect soundwaves, amplify there vibrations and convert them into electrical impulses.
these are some musical instruments notes that were viewed on the (CRO) guitars make oboe noises and pionos make laud obstacular noises
what is a cro? a cro converts sound waves into electrical signals that can be viewed on a screen
this is a typical sound absorption values
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