Week 1: Business/Corporate Finance


Using Financial Data, Valuation Method, Evaluating Projects and Cost of Capital
Cyrill Bien Belardo
Flashcards by Cyrill Bien Belardo, updated more than 1 year ago
Cyrill Bien Belardo
Created by Cyrill Bien Belardo almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the three types of managerial decisions? 1. Capital Budgeting 2. Capital Structure 3. Working Capital Management
The process of planning and managing a firm's long-term investment. Capital Budgeting
The mixture of debt and equity maintained by a firm. Capital Structure
A firm's short-term assets and liabilities Working capital
What are the three main forms of Businesses in Australia? 1. Sole Proprietorship 2. Partnership 3. Corporation
A business owned by a single individual. Sole Proprietorship
A business formed by two or more individuals or entities. Partnership
A business created as a distinct legal entity owned by one or more individuals or entities. Corporation
What are some advantages and disadvantages of Sole proprietorship? Advantages • Easiest to start and least regulated • Single owner keeps all the profits • Taxed once as personal income Disadvantages • Limited to life of owner • Equity capital limited to personal wealth • Unlimited Liability • Difficult to sell ownership interest
What are some advantages and disadvantages of a Partnership? Advantages • Two or more owners • More capital available • Relatively easy to start • Income taxed once as personal income Disadvantages • Unlimited liability • General partnership • Limited partnership • Partnership dissolves when one partner dies or wishes to sell • Difficult to transfer ownership
What are some advantages and disadvantages of a Partnership? Advantages • Unlimited life • Separation of ownership and management • Transfer of ownership is easy • Easier to raise capital Disadvantages • Separation of ownership and management • Taxation of company profits can be an issue
What is the goal of Financial Management? Maximise the market value of the existing owners' equity.
Cash Flows to and from the Firm
What is a Primary Market? Give an example. The corporation is the seller and the transaction raises money for the corporation. Securities are issued for the first time. For example, Bond Issuance and Private Placement.
What is a Secondary Market? Give an example. The transaction is between sellers and securities are old. For example, dealer markets and auction markets (ASX).
What is the problem that occurs when there is a possibility that there is a conflict of interest between the owners and management of a firm? Agency Problem
What are the actions by managers that reduce the value of the existing owner's equity? Agency Costs
How do we make sure managers act in the best interest of shareholders? ◦ Build incentives into compensation ◦ Shareholders have control through election of directors
Enumerate the balance sheet equation. ASSETS = LIABILITIES+ OWNERS EQUITY A = L + E
What is the difference between current assets and non-current assets? ◦ Current Asset : short life asset, normally converted to cash within a year WHILE ◦ Non-current asset: longer life (also called fixed assets)
What is Liquidity? It is the speed and ease of converting an asset to cash.
How do you calculate Income? Income = Revenues - Expenses
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