Flashcards for CPXP exam


A great study tool for CPXP exam
Lydia Elliott, Ed.D
Flashcards by Lydia Elliott, Ed.D , updated more than 1 year ago
Lydia Elliott, Ed.D
Created by Lydia Elliott, Ed.D about 8 years ago

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Question Answer
Affinity Diagram organizes a large number of ideas into their natural relationships. This method taps a team’s creativity and intuition. It was created in the 1960s by Japanese anthropologist Jiro Kawakita. Some examples when to use an affinity diagram, 1) When you are confronted with many facts or ideas in apparent chaos, 2) When issues seem too large and complex to grasp, 3) When group consensus is necessary. Typical situations to use are after a brainstorming exercise and when analyzing verbal data, such as survey results.
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems (CAHPS) The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) develop, implement and administer several different patient experience surveys. These surveys ask patients (or in some cases their families) about their experiences with, and ratings of, their health care providers and plans, including hospitals, home health care agencies, doctors, and health and drug plans, among others. The surveys focus on matters that patients themselves say are important to them and for which patients are the best and/or only source of information. CMS publicly reports the results of its patient experience surveys, and some surveys affect payments to CMS providers.
Patient Experience Surveys focus on how patients experienced or perceived key aspects of their care, not how satisfied they were with their care.
HCAHPS survey 32-item instrument and data collection methodology for measuring patients’ perceptions of their hospital experience.
A complaint concern voiced by a patient, or patient’s representative about service, care or treatment that can be resolved quickly by the staff present.
A _____ is considered resolved when the patient is satisfied with the actions taken on his or her behalf A Complaint
Culture The collective programming or wiring of the human mind acquired over time that distinguishes the members of one human group from another through their behaviors that include self-worth and esteem, thoughts, communication, action, values and beliefs and that also guide decision making.
Cultural competency set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together in a system, agency, or among professionals that enables effective work in cross-cultural situations.
Culture refers to integrated patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, communications, actions customs, beliefs, values and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups.
Competency implies having the capacity to function effectively as an individual and an organization within the context of the cultural beliefs, behaviors, and needs presented by consumers and their communities.
Descriptive statistics Values that describe the characteristics of a ample or population
Direction Correlation A positive correlation where the values of both variables change in the same direction.
Empathy The feeling that you understand and share another person’s experiences and emotions: the ability to share someone else’s feelings
Ethnography A form of qualitative research that allows a trained observer to observe and document the experience. In healthcare, ethnography is becoming more commonplace as a means to study the patient experience.
Experienced Based Co-Design involves gathering experiences from patients and staff through in-depth interviewing, observations and group discussions, identifying key “touch points” (emotionally significant points) and assigning positive or negative feelings.
Experienced Based Design Both a philosophy and set of methods focused on understanding the experiences and emotions of those who are involved in receiving and delivering health care services; striving to understand what people naturally feel and do. This approach enables an understanding of the experience of health care from the patients, caregivers and staff perspective. It is a method of designing better experiences for patients, families and staff.
The approach was designed for and within the NHS to develop simple solutions that offer patients a better experience of treatment and care. However, similar user-centric design techniques have been used by leading global companies for years. Experienced Based Co-design
Frequency Distribution A method for illustrating the distribution of scores within class intervals
Grievance A written or verbal complaint (when the verbal complaint about patient care is not resolved at the time of the complaint by staff present) by a patient, or the patient’s representative, regarding the patient’s care, abuse or neglect, issues related to the hospital’s compliance with the CMS Hospital Conditions of Participation (CoP), or a Medicare beneficiary billing complaint related to rights and limitations provided by 42 CFR §489.
Health literacy The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions
Histogram A graphical representation of a frequency distribution.
Indirect correlation A negative correlation where the values of variables move in opposite direction
LEAN Integrated principles, methods, and tools that have developed from the Toyota Production System to optimize the performance and management of value-producing systems. A customer-centric methodology used to continuously improve any process through the elimination of waste in everything you do; it is based on the ideas of “Continuous Incremental Improvement” and “Respect for People.”
The basic principles of ___ are Focus on effectively delivering value to your Customer, Respect and engage the people, Improve the Value Stream by eliminating all types of waste, Maintain Flow, Pull Through the System, Strive for Perfection LEAN
Mean A type of average where scores are summed and divided by the number of observations.
Median The point at which 50% of the cases in a distribution fall below and 50 % fall above.
Mode The most frequently occurring score in a distribution.
Patient-and family- centered care an approach to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships among health care providers, patients, and families. It redefines the relationships in health care.
Four core concepts are: Respect and dignity, information sharing, participation, and collaboration Patient- and family-centered care (PFCC)
Respect and Dignity (PFCC) Health care practitioners listen to and honor patient and family perspectives and choices. Patient and family knowledge, values, beliefs and cultural backgrounds are incorporated into the planning and delivery of care.
Information sharing (PFCC) Health care practitioners communicate and share complete and unbiased information with patients and families in ways that are affirming and useful. Patients and families receive timely, complete, and accurate information in order to effectively participate in care and decision-making.
Participation (PFCC) Patients and families are encouraged and supported in participating in care and decision-making at the level they choose.
Collaboration Patients and families are also included on an institution-wide basis. Health care leaders collaborate with patients and families in policy and program development, implementation, and evaluation; in health care facility design; and in professional education, as well as in the delivery of care.
PDCA cycle is shorthand for testing a change in the real work setting — by planning it, trying it, observing the results, and acting on what is learned. This is the scientific method adapted for action-oriented learning.
Process Flow Chart is a picture of the separate steps of a process in sequential order. Some examples of when to use a flowchart; 1) To develop understanding of how a process is done, 2) To study a process for improvement, 3) To communicate to others how a process is done, 4) When better communication is needed between people involved with the same process, 5) To document a process and 6) When planning a project.
Range The highest minus the lowest score and a gross measure of variability.
Exclusive Range Exclusive range is the highest score minus the lowest score.
Inclusive Range Inclusive range is the highest score minus the lowest score plus 1
Reliability The quality of a test such that it is consistent.
Run chart are graphs of data over time and are one of the most important tools for assessing the effectiveness of change
1) They help improvement teams formulate aims by depicting how well (or poorly) a process is performing, 2) They help in determining when changes are truly improvements by displaying a pattern of data that you can observe as you make changes and 3) They give direction as you work on improvement and information about the value of particular changes. Benefits of run chart
Service Recovery The process used to “recover” dissatisfied or lost members or patients by identifying and fixing the problem or making amends for the failure in customer or clinical service.
Service Recovery Program effective tool for retaining members or patients and improving their level of satisfaction.
Shared Decision Making (SDM) is a collaborative process that allows patients and their providers to make health care decisions together. It takes into account the best clinical evidence available, as well as the patient’s values and preferences.
Six Sigma (Philosophy) all work as processes that can be defined, measured, analyzed, improved and controlled. Processes require inputs (x) and produce outputs (y). If you control the inputs, you will control the outputs. This is generally expressed as y = f(x).
Six Sigma (Methodology) recognizes the underlying and rigorous approach known as DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve and control). DMAIC defines the steps a practitioner is expected to follow, starting with identifying the problem and ending with the implementation of long-lasting solutions.
Six Sigma (Set of tools) expert uses qualitative and quantitative techniques to drive process improvement. A few such tools include statistical process control (SPC), control charts, failure mode and effects analysis, and process mapping.
Standard Deviation The average deviation from the mean.
Sympathy The feeling that you care about and are sorry about someone else’s trouble, grief, misfortune, etc.
Teach back An education method used to confirm patient understanding of care instructions by asking patients to repeat the instructions using their own words.
Total Quality Management (TQM) A term first used to describe a management approach to quality improvement. Simply put, it is a management approach to long-term success through customer satisfaction.
Validity The quality of a test such that it measures what it says it does.
Value Based Purchasing (VBP) long-standing effort to link Medicare’s payment system to a value-based system to improve healthcare quality, including the quality of care provided in the inpatient hospital setting. The program attaches value-based purchasing to the payment system that accounts for the largest share of Medicare spending, affecting payment for inpatient stays in over 3,500 hospitals across the country. Participating hospitals are paid for inpatient acute care services based on the quality of care, not just quantity of the services they provide.
Variance The square of the standard deviation, and another measure of a distribution’s spread or dispersion.
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