

i am done
Suleyman Terzi
Flashcards by Suleyman Terzi, updated more than 1 year ago
Suleyman Terzi
Created by Suleyman Terzi about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is static electricity building up of electrical charge on a surface
what is a current electrons moving up on electric wire
whats one main thing in a circuit an electric source
what are the different parts of a circuit called components
what is electricity is one of many forms of energy
examples of what we use electricity for charging your phone, your tv and much more
what are atoms made up of protons, neutron and electrons
where are protons and neutrons located in a small and dense core called nuclear
what are neutrons that carry no charge said to be neutral
name of a simple circuit name of a simple circuit is a torch
what is a torches energy source its batteries
what is an ion charged atom
what happens when electrons flow through to the globe in a torch they lose almost all their energy
what do electron circuits need an energy source, an energy user and a wire to connect everything
when do lightning bolts happen when static charge builds up within the atmosphere and jumps back to Earth
is the electricity you get from or powerpoint a static energy no it is not a static energy
why do electrical appliances work because electrons flow through their circuits
what is around he necleus tiny electrons spin around the nucleus
do protons carry positive or negative charge it carries posiitive charge
do electrons carry positive or negative charge they carry negative charges
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