SLGE First Term


slge first term
Aaliyah Manalo
Flashcards by Aaliyah Manalo, updated more than 1 year ago
Aaliyah Manalo
Created by Aaliyah Manalo over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
seed drill Jethro Tull
Robert Bakewell breeding only his best sheep
enclosed their land with fences or hedges enclosures
Industrial Revolution greatly increased output of machine-made goods
process of developing machine production of goods industrialization
Flying Shuttle John Kay
James Hargreaves Spinning Jenny
Richard Arkwright water frame
Samuel Crompton Spinning mule
Edmund Cartwright Power loom
cotton gin eli whitney
James Watt and Matthew Boulton boulton paid watt to build better steam engines
Clermont Robert Fulton
George Stephenson Rocket
Britain's capital London
center of britain's cotton industry Manchester
middle class made up of skilled workers
upper middle class doctors, lawyers, gov't employees, managers
lower middle class factory overseers, toolmakers, mechanical drafters
working class laborers
Ned Ludd Luddites; attacked factories
Factory Act of 1819 restricted working age and hours
War of 1812 Britain blockaded the US to keep it from engaging in int'l trading
Samuel Slater built a spinning machine from memory
Moses Brown opened first factory to house Slater's machines; mass produced the thread
Francis Cabot Lowell mechanized every stage in the manufacture of cloth
stock certain rights of ownership
corporation business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debts
Led the Europe in adopting Britain's new technology Belgium
William Cockerill carried secret plans for building spinning machinery
John Cockerill built an enormous industrial enterprise in Belgium
Bohemia spinning industry
Spain cotton
Northern Italy textile production
Russia serf labor in factories
France national market for French products
Imperialism policy of extending one country's rule over many other lands
Laissez faire letting owners of industry and business set working conditions without interference
Adam Smith defended the idea of a free economy
Three Natural Laws of Economics 1. Law of Self Interest 2. Law of Competition 3. Law of Supply and Demand
Law of Self Interest people work for their own good
Law of Competition competition forces people to work better
Law of Supply and Demand enough goods would be produced at the lowest possible price to meet demand in a market economy
Capitalism factor of production are privately owned
Thomas Malthus An Essay on the Principle of Population: population increase more rapidly than the food supply
David Ricardo Principles of Political Economy and Taxation: permanent underclass would always be poor
Jeremy Bentham introduced Utilitarianism
Utilitarianism judge base on their utility or usefulness
John Stuart Mill led the utilitarian movement
Robert Owen built a utopian village -- New Harmony
Socialism factors of production are owned by the public
Marxism human societies have always been divided into classes --- introduced by Karl Marx
Employers Bourgeousie
Workers Proletariat
Communism form of complete socialism-- means of production would be owned by the people
unions voluntary labor associations
strike refuse to work
Factory Act of 1833 illegal to hire children under 9 years old
Mines Act of 1842 prevented women and children from working underground
Ten Hours Act of 1847 limited workday to ten hours for women and children who worked in factories
William Wilberforce led the fight for end of slave trade
Jane Addams and Ellen Starr ran settlement houses/ Hull House
Horace Mann favored free public education for all children
Alexis De Tocqueville Emphasized goal of reforming prisons
Reasons Why Industrialization took place in Britain 1. extensive natural resources 2. expanding economy to support industrialization 3. large population of workers 4. Political stability
First industry to be transformed Textile Industry
Effects of Transportation 1. spurred industrial growth 2. created new jobs 3. boosted England's agri and fishing industries 4. made travel easier
Elizabeth Gaskell wrote Mary Barton -- accurate portrayal of urban life experienced by many at the time
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