Looking for Meaning Key Words


GCSE Ethics (Looking for Meaning) Flashcards on Looking for Meaning Key Words, created by BethSHeartbeat on 09/03/2014.
Flashcards by BethSHeartbeat, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by BethSHeartbeat almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
God Ultimate being (creator and sustainer of the world) OR deity (a visible form of the power behind the world)
Symbolism Something that points or explains something else. Religions have many symbolic actions and ideas.
Revelation Something shown or explained that was previously hidden. Many religions have revealed truths, and these are important in the faith.
Awe Completely overwhelmed by a sense of God's presence. In many religious traditions experiencing God or his presence is sought though various ways.
Community A group of people with something in common, eg. sharing the same faith
Afterlife The belief that there is some kind of life after the death of the body. Many religions have beliefs in heaven or a place where souls go after the body dies.
Vocation Divine call for a career.
Worship A way to show love to God eg. prayer
Symbol Something that represents something else.
Omnipotent All-powerful
Omnipresent Everywhere
Omniscient All-knowing
Benevolent All-loving
Creator One who makes or creates something. Many religions talk about a creator making the universe.
Father Another name for God and the first part of the Holy Trinity.
Subhah String of beads to represent the 99 names of Allah during worship.
Allah The Islamic name for God.
Judge The idea that God will judge you when you die.
Designer God designed the world for a purpose.
Cross A Christian symbol to represent the crucifixion or Jesus.
Tawhid The oneness of Allah.
Trinity The three parts to God: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Merciful God is full of compassion.
Submission/obedience The act of submitting to another.
Incarnation God's son taking the form of a human to become Jesus.
Miracle An amazing happening, often seen as inspired by a divine plan.
Prayer An attempt to contact God often through words but sometimes through silence and idols.
Catholic church A Christian denomination that believes in purgatory.
Sacred texts Holy books and teachings e.g. The Bible and The Qur'an.
Pilgrimage A journey to a place of special religious significance.
Mecca The birth place of the prophet Muhammad that Muslims go on a pilgrimage to.
Hajj One of the five pillars of Islam, the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Lourdes Roman Catholic pilgrimage site where Mary appeared to a girl.
Bethlehem A Christian pilgrimage where Jesus was born.
Jerusalem The holy city where Jesus grew up, thought of as being closer to God.
Retreat A break from life to be alone with God and study your faith.
Service A meeting of faith which includes religious teachings.
Ummah The Muslim brotherhood.
Heaven Life after death with God for people who have been good in life.
Hell Where bad people go after death and where Satan is.
Purgatory A place of suffering where the soul is purified, only Catholics believe in it.
Eulogy A speech about someone's life, read out at their funeral.
Burial/ cremation A person is buried or burnt to ashes when they die.
Shahadah First pillar of Islam, profession of faith.
Akhirah Everlasting life after death.
Ihram A sacred state a Muslim must enter in order to perform Hajj (cleansing).
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