
Flashcards on Untitled, created by callumyoung1197 on 11/03/2014.
Flashcards by callumyoung1197, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by callumyoung1197 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Process giving data a context
Output data that now means something
Constant like a variable but it does not change for example pi the number would be the literal and the name you have set it as would be the identifier
Variable something that changes during a program for example the score of a game
Data types the type of data, how it is stored and what it can be used for
Array one dimensional one dimensional is a linier list E.G first name last name, two dimensional a table
Sequencing Getting things in the right order (The sequence that statements are executed is normally the same order that there listed in the code.)
Selection A logical decision is made to determine which rought is taken through a program
scope • The scope of variables or constants within computer programs is the place in which that variable or constant name can be used. extra If a variable or constant is not in scope, then it cannot be referred to by name or written into; it is effectively invisible to that part of the program.
Sub-routine set of instructions to perform a certain task stored once and called upon many times
Procedure a large sub-routine called to perform a task. May or may not retain a value
Function a series of instructions to perform a task. When called it executes, returns a value then continues with the next line of code
• Built in functions Present common functions provided by the language developers
Procedures and Functions (Repeated tasks) A series of statements that exist outside the main program and that can be called upon
For loops While For loops = run a set number (n) of times While – Keeps going until user says stop
Program flow control Need to be structured because: Makes it readable and reliable Makes it understandable and easier to maintain TO do this Brake complex problems into a series of smaller and more practicable steps Smaller jobs and problems or easier steps to understand
Character Character data type can store a single alphanumeric character, such as: digit, letter, symbol or any punctuation marks.
Integer Integer data type can store any whole number, such as: -115, 0, 2, 341
Real Real data types are used when there is a decimal point with a fractional number, such as: -32.15678, 0.012, 59.00564, 72.0
Boolean Boolean data types are used for logical operations and have the value True or False
String String can be used to store an alphanumeric character, such as letter, digit, symbol, space or punctuation mark. It is normally used as an array so that: String could contain the message ‘Hello World!’
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