Rosenhan (1973) - Clinical's Classic


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Maria Angela Samonte
Flashcards by Maria Angela Samonte, updated more than 1 year ago
Maria Angela Samonte
Created by Maria Angela Samonte over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
C: hospitals, varied... generalised. 12. If just 1, might have been that hospital alone that 'labelled' mental illness. design, simple. pseudo-patients, themselves... unlikely that any treatment of them was due to their bh being similar to someone w/ a mental illness. fact, some of the real patients realised, not, supports this... their bh was validly 'normal'.
8, in 12 hospitals, able to be replicated. rel idea of people being perceived through the use of labels, clear + is likely to still be the case
:( said, heard voices, a standard symptom of schizophrenia, so, perhaps unsurprising, considered to have schizophrenia. However, this doesn't explain why the patients weren't subsequently realised to be sane, unless each hospital was being cautious.
perhaps equally unsurprising that pseudo-patients were wrongly identified in Study 2 bc staff were wrongly informed, some would be presenting themselves for treatment in a 3 month period. These 'lies', likely to have guided the results... studies were not natural and, to that extent, not valid.
:( In the 40 yrs since the study was carried out, institutions have changed their working practices considerably. more emphasis on care in the community... might be wrong to C: mental illness is still hard to diagnose.
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