Business Activity


Chapter 1 of Business studies - Business Activity
Johan Wilken
Flashcards by Johan Wilken, updated more than 1 year ago
Johan Wilken
Created by Johan Wilken over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the Economic Problem ? The Economic Problem: People have unlimited wants and needs but limited factors of production which creates Scarcity
What is opportunity cost ? Opportunity cost is the next best alternative given up by choosing another item. It is what you gave up to fulfil another choice.
What is Specialisation ? Specialisation occours when people and businesses concentrate on what they are best at
Explain what is meant by the Division of labour. The devision of labour is when the production process is split up into different tasks and each worker performs one of these tasks. It is a form of Specialisation
What are the Advantages of the Devision of labour ? ♧Workers are trained in one task and specialises in this - this increases Efficiency and output ♧Less time is wasted moving from one area of production to the other...
What are the Disadvantages of The devision of labour? ♢Workers can become bored doing just one job- Efficiency might fall ♢If one worker is absent and no one else can do the job , production might be stopped
What is meant by Business ? The purpose of business is combining factors of production to produce goods or services which fulfil people's wants and needs
What is meant by Added value ? ♤Added value is the difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of baught materials and components... It is the increase of worth of the materials you acquired to produce a good or service.
How could a business increase Added Value ? }Increase selling price but keep the cost of materials the same }Reduce cost of materials but keep the price the same
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