Wheels, Pulleys and Gears


20 flashcards on wheels, pulleys and gears
Hamza Ahmed
Flashcards by Hamza Ahmed, updated more than 1 year ago
Hamza Ahmed
Created by Hamza Ahmed over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Wheels, Pulleys and Gears Hamza Ahmed Year 8
What are wheels? A type of lever with its fulcrum as the axle
What do wheels act as? Force multipliers and speed multipliers
What is the axle? The centre of the wheel on which it rotates
What is the rim? The outer edge of a wheel
How does the wheel work? It takes more force to turn the axle and less speed, but less force for the rim but more speed.
How can you increase the distance covered by the wheel? You increase the circumference of the wheel
How do electric fans work? The axle is turned slowly but the force is multiplied by the spinning blades
What is the history of the wheel? The first wheels were not used for transportation. They were first made to serve as potter's wheels around 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia.
What are pulleys? A wheel with a groove over used to change the direction of a force
How do you increase the force applied to a pulley? You need to use more than one pulley
What happens if you use 2 pulleys? It halves the force needed, gives a mechanical advantage of 2
How can you produce a greater mechanical advantage? You can use a number of pulleys in an arrangement called the bock and tackle
What is the block and tackle arrangement? An arrangement using 2 or more pulleys and a rope or cable to lift heavy objects
What are gears? A wheel with teeth around the edge or rim
What are gears interlocking together called? Gear trains
How do gears work? One gear turns and turns the interlocking gear but in the opposite direction
What is the gear that supplies the force is called? The driving gear
What is the gear that is connected to the driving gear called? The driven gear
How do you find out the gear ratio? The number of teeth on the driving gear ÷ the number of teeth on the driven gear
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