Educational policy and inequality


finished sociology (Education) Flashcards on Educational policy and inequality, created by *Ellie* on 30/04/2013.
Flashcards by *Ellie*, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by *Ellie* over 11 years ago

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Question Answer
1944+ Tripartite system Sir cyril burt introduced the idea of using IQ tests (11+ exam) to allocate pupils to a school Academic ability=grammar school Technical ability= secondary technical Non-academic=secondary modern This was supposed to create meritocracy but instead created class+gender inequality It also legitimated it with the ideology that inequality is inborn 1965+ Comprehensive system (to overcome inequality) Catchment areas had a comprehensive school that all would attend Class inequality continued through streaming and labelling Inequality legitimated through the myth of meritocracy Local edu authorities decided the move to this=the tripartite system still exists
1988 Educational Reform Act Thatcher; marketisation, reducing state control+increasing competition +choice Schools run like businesses, provide for customer needs=success David describes this phase as a parentocracy, power shifts to parents Policies that promote it; publication of league tables + ofsted reports, formula funding, business sponsership of schools Critics argue it has increased class inequality as MC parents have an advan Ball+Whitty argue it does this through league tables(MC pupils selected)+funding formula(better schools-more income=better teachers, etc=attract MC) It also legitimates inequality because it give the appearance of parentocracy but MC parents have advan
Since 1997, labour gov sought to reduce inequality Policies;Edu Action Zones provided with extra resources, Aim Higher programme, Edu Maintenance allowance(payment to students to make them stay on after 16)+Raising school leaving age To promote diversity+choice; schools encouraged to specialise to build on their strengths=specialist schools have done better than non-spec schools Promoting Academies These ideas are put forward by postmodernists Thompson; schools can get away from the 1-size-fits-all approach=edu becomes customised Critics of postmodernists; exaggerate extent of diversity(national curriculum) Neglect inequality Critics of new labour policies; contradiction between marketistion+trying to tackle inequality Eg EMA's don't encourage WC go to uni There are still selective grammar schools and fee-paying private schools that New Labour havent abolished due to the tax they receive However Trowler argues labour gov does try to tackle inequality with policies such as increased funding for state edu
Policies for Gender; GIST Ethnicity;these policies have gone through phases 1 assimilation (60+70's)-the need for pupils to assimilate into mainstream culture 2 multicultural edu MCE (80-90's) -valuing all cultures=raising self-esteem However MCE criticised as black pupils don't lack self-esteem + it picks out stereotypical images features+doesn't tackle racism 3 social inclusion since 90's - monitoring of exam results, placing legal duty on schools to to promote racial equality+saturday schools in black communities However Mirza sees little change in policy, it still takes a soft approach that are short term with little impact
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