Created by Matthew Young
over 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
plusieurs | several, many, some |
entrer | enter |
le quotidien | everyday life |
quotidien(ne) | daily |
une enquête | survey, poll, inquiry |
se douter de | to suspect |
douter de | to doubt |
estimer | to value, reckon, estimate |
permettre | to permit |
accéder à | to access, to gain access to |
la Toile | web, hessian, spiderweb, canvas |
inquiétant | worring |
incontrôlable | uncontrollable, unquestionable |
le levier | lever |
croissance | growth, development |
associer | match, combine, bring together, associate, link, connect |
la mondialisation | globalisation |
du côté de | near, among, concerning |
incarner | to embody |
de très loin | from far away, from afar |
talonner | to spur, to be close behind, to torment |
la part de marché | market share |
le moteur de recherche | search engine |
géant(e) | giant, awesome, great |
un géant | heavyweight, giant |
l'Hexagone | France |
dominer | dominate, prevail over, tower over, subjugate |
se dominer | to control oneself |
le poids | weight, load |
croissant(e) | growing (Adj) |
grandir | to grow, get tall |
se grandir | to improve oneself |
pousser | grow, push (through) |
inquiéter (vtr) | to worry (vtr) |
s'inquiéter | to worry about (something) |
en revanche | on the other hand |
étonnant(e) | amazing, surprising, astonishing |
étonner (vtr) | to surprise (vtr) |
s'étonner | to get surprised, to be surprised |
le réseau | grid, network |
compter | to count |
quant à | as for... |
sonder | to probe, to survey |
le sondage | survey |
lorsque | as soon as, when |
ainsi que | (just) as, and as well |
attacher | to attach, affix, fasten |
s'attacher | to fasten itself |
la/la technophobe | technophobe |
la Toile | web |
l'usage | usage |
la virtuelité | virtual world |
virtuel(le) | virtual |
quasiment | practically, virtually |
l'alerte (f) | scare |
l'appareil (m) | device |
branché | connected |
combattre | to combat, fight |
la cyberintimidation | cyberbulling |
la cybercriminalité | cyber crime |
se connecter | to log on |
le courrier electronique | |
diffuser | to spread, broadcast |
éliminer | to eliminate |
faire face à | to face up to |
la fiabilité | trustworthiness |
fiable | trustworthy |
la fraude | fraud |
le fichier | file |
le harcèlement | bullying |
l'identifiant (m) unique | unique identifier |
inconnu(e) | unknown |
l'internaute (m/f) | internet user |
intervenir | to intervene |
l'intrusion (f) | intrusion |
la liberté | freedom |
le logiciel | computer programme |
majeur(e) | adult (over 18) |
manipulateur(-trice) | manipulative |
la manipulation | manipulation |
mineur | under age (under-18) |
la messagerie | messaging service |
le mot de passe | password |
oser | to dare |
audacieux(-se) | daring, audacious |
la politique | policy, political |
politique (adj) | political (adj) |
promouvoir | to promote |
réel(le) | real |
la rencontre | meeting |
se répandre | to spread |
répandre (vtr) | to spread, publicise, scatter, broadcast |
la mise à jour | update, meeting |
au niveau de | at the level of |
nuisible | harmful |
numérique | digital |
l'ordinateur (m) portable | laptop |
l'outil (m) /uti/ | tool |
participer à | to participate in |
se passer de | to go without |
puissant(e) | powerful (all meanings) |
le rapport | realtionship |
recevoir | to receive |
se rendre compte de | to be aware of |
les renseignements (mpl) | information |
le réseau | network |
le serveur | server |
simplifier | to simplify |
s'informer | to inform oneself |
le site | site |
la tablette | tablet |
le/la technophile | technophile |
proposer | to offer/suggest |
le réseau social | social network |
simuler | to simulate |
joindre | to reach/ speak with |
joint (past participle) | pp joindre- to reach/ speak with |
se multiplier | to increase in number |
obligatoire | compulsory |
le peuple | people |
progresser | to make progress |
la propogande | propaganda |
un entretien | interview |
grâce à | thanks to |
gratuitement | for free, unnecessarily |
librement | freely (without reservations) |
ouvertement | freely, openly (without reservations) |
l'indentité (f) | identity |
l'informatique (f) | computing |
interdire | to forbid |
interdit | forbidden |
accro | fanatic, addicted, hooked |
actuellement | nowadays |
en fait | in fact, actually |
en réalité | in reality, actually |
le, la citoyen(ne) | citizen |
la citoyenneté | citizenship |
consacrer | to dedicate |
la démocritie | democracy |
dépassé | out of date, over run, out of one's depth |
le reportage | report |
le risque | risk |
la sécurité | security, safety |
se servir de | to use |
surveiller | to monitor |
le écran | screen/ monitor |
le moniteur | computer monitor |
télécharger | to dowload |
toucher | to affect |
la victime | victim |
vulnérable | vulnerable, at risk |
accéder à | to access |
l'achat (m) | purchase |
actualiser | to update |
l'apprentissage (m) | learning process |
la baladeur | portable music player |
le contact | contact |
le cerveau | brain |
le commerce | commerce, business |
communiqer | to communicate |
le connaissances (fpl) | knowledge |
la connexion | connection |
créer | to create |
dépendre de | to depend on |
la disponsibilité | availability |
la distraction | entertainment |
se distraire | to entertain oneself |
le donnés (fpl) | data |
échanger | to exchange |
en ligne | on line |
énerver | to annoy |
s'enganger | to commit to something |
s'exprimer | to express oneself |
faciliter | to facilitate |
la fibre | fibre |
à fibre optique | fibre optic (adj) |
indispensable | essential |
joignable | reachable, available |
bousculer | to push and shove |
un personnage | character |
une quinzaine de/d' | about 15 |
un centaine de/d' | about 100 |
lâcher | give up |
abandonner | give up |
maîtriser | to master |
sûrement | surely |
à moins que | unless (verbs) +subj. |
sauf | except |
sauf si | expept if ( + subj.) |
diriger | to manage |
en retraite | retired |
éprouver | to experience |
tu m'étonnes! | No kidding |
se battre | fight |
il se bât | he fights |
mal | bad, wrong, incorrectly (adverb) |
mauvais | bad (adj) |
le millénaire | millennium (also adj) |
le terme | term (maths), term, word, end term, limit |
l'avancée (f) | advance, progress, advantage |
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