Nouvelles tendances


A level French (La famille en voie de changement) Flashcards on Nouvelles tendances, created by Matthew Young on 11/09/2016.
Matthew Young
Flashcards by Matthew Young, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew Young
Created by Matthew Young over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
la loi the law
être en déclin to be in decline
la taux rate/ level
cesser (de faire) to stop (doing)
baisser to lower
le pacs civil partnership
conclure to end, bring to a close
autour around, about, all about, circa
deviner to guess
se mettre à to start
la cohabtation cohabitation
le citadin city-dweller
la concurrence competition, rvalry
conjoindre to conjoin
primordial vital
la rancune grudge
garder rancune à qqn to hold against somebody
ancrer to anchor, settle
consacrer qch à qqn to give something to somebody
appartenir à to belong to
démodé out of fashion
se banaliser to become commonplace
un emménagement à deux moving in together
se répandre to spread
une union libre living together
en ce temps-là in those days
autant as much as
prononcer to pronounce
la cas /ka/ case, scenario, instance
les cas /ka/ cases, scenarios, instances
le foyer home, hall of residence, common room
le poids weight, load, burden
le retour return, journey home
chiffrer to number
se lancer to get into/take up
souffrir to suffer
la circulation traffic
le concubinage cohabitation
concurrencer (vtr) to be in competition with
le geste gesture
surmonter to sit on top of, to overcome
Sans rancune! No hard feelings!
s'occuper to take care of
la preuve proof, evidence
prouver show, prove, demonstrate
atteindre to reach
avoir atteint to have reached
dévaler to hurtle down
dévoiler to reveal
systematique automatic
depuis ce temps-là from that time, since then
disparaître to disappear
sans pour autant without actually
la façon the way
un bout tip, end, point, piece, bottom
l'astuce (f) trick
éprouver to experience things
froisser to offend
interrompre to interupt
la perle the pearl
les ressentis feelings
souhaiter to wish
prévu predicted, anticipated, intended, forecast
prévoir predict, anticipate, intend, forecast
se pacser to enter a civil partnership (with somebody)
l'étape (f) step, stage, stop-off, stop-over
faire étape to take a break
attirer to attract, lure, coax, entice
par rapport à regarding, with respect to, compared to , in relation to
défaire to undo, defeat, strip, dismantle
remettre to put back, to top up, to switch back on
d'autre part on the other hand, furthermore, what's more, and also
d'une part..... d'autre part on one hand.... and on the other hand
d'abord... en suite on one hand.... and on the other hand
meurt il/elle/ on (mourir)
à la suite de following, after
l'egouement (m) passion, infatuation, enthusiasm
par rapport à with refernce to
le comportement behaviour
il vaut mieux it's better to
il vaudrait mieux you'd better
éprouver to feel, experience
deplaire to displease
agir to act, conduct yourself
la manière manner
l'amélioration (f) improvement
le soin care
prendre soin de to take care of/to
valoir to be worth
ça veut dire dass heisst
le tort unfortunate act, a wrong
d'abord firstly
être convaincu que to be convinced that
plutôt moreover
n'importe quoi whatever (you're talking rubbish)
le céleri celery
une attitude an attitude towards something, way of thinking
un état d'espirit an attitude towards something, way of thinking
franchir jump over, break through, overcome, pass, cross
écrasant overwhelmingly, crushing, breathtaking, heavy (fig.), weighty (fig)
poursuivre to pursue, chase, hunt, continue, keep up
relataviser to put things into perspective
cadré well-defined
cadrer to centre
cadrer avec to tally with, be consistent with, to conform with, to fit in, be in keeping with, suit
1 le cadre frame ( for a picture), surroundings, settings
2 le cadre middle manager, excecutive
fournir to furnish, supply , provide
se fournir to get oneself, buy for oneself
le document à fournir required document
afin de faire in order to, so that
au lieu de faire in place of, instead of
avant de faire before doing
sur le point de faire about to do
courant common, commonplace, standard, current
un(e) esclave slave
esclave de qqch slave to something (fig)
pour autant for all that
procrastinateur/se procrastinator
atermoyer to procrastinate
tergiverser to procrastinate
les tergiversations procrastination
chacun each one, each person, each and every
faire campagne to campaign
nier deny
se déplacer to move, travel
le blouson de cuir leather jacket
surprendre to surprise
être élu to be elected
un élu elected member/ person
Par la peur! Out of fear!
nuira à will harm/damage
la carrière career
les électeurs the electorate
un égard consideraton
élire to elect
nuire à to damage, harm
se moquer de make fun of, not care about, laugh in the face of
d'autant que especially as, as far as
ainsi que just as, as well as (comme, et aussi)
en tête à tête face to face
les présidentielles the presidential elections
faire remarquer point out
pour que (+subj) so that, in order to
à cet égard regarding this/that
eu égard à qch in view of, considering
par égard pour qqn/qch out of consideration for somebody, something
se faire remarquer to stand out, get yourself noticed
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