Adjetivos 1 Lucho


Luis A. Melgar Fanantes
Flashcards by Luis A. Melgar Fanantes, updated more than 1 year ago
Luis A. Melgar Fanantes
Created by Luis A. Melgar Fanantes almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
angry-excited enojado-horrible
attractive-horrible atractivo-horrible
awaske-asleep despierto-dormido
beautiful-ugly hermoso-feo
big-small grande-pequeño
bitter-sweet amargo-dulce
calm-nervous calmado-nervioso
chubby-shim obeso.elbelto
clean-dirty limpio-sucio
cold-hot frio-caliente
cool-warm fresco-tibio
correct-incorrect correcto-incorrecto
dead-alive muerto-vivo
deep-shallow profundo-supeticial
easy-difficult facil-difícil
expensive-cheap caro-barato
extraverted-shy extrovertido-tímido
far-near lejos-cerca
fast-slow rapido-despacio
fat-thin gordo-delgado
full-emply lleno-vacío
funny-boring divertido-aburrido
generous-selfish generoso-egoísta
good-bad bueno-malo
happy-sad feliz-triste
hard-soft duro-suave
heavy-light pesado-lijero
high-low (altura) alto-bajo
huge-tiny enorme-diminuto
kind-unpleasant amable-desagradable
light-drak claro-oscuro
long-short largo-corto
new-old nuevo-viejo
opened-closed abierto-cerrado
polite-rude educado-grosero
precise-imprecise preciso-impreciso
Quiet-Resitless tranquilo-inquieto
rich-poor rico-pobre
right-left derecha-izquierda
safe-dangerous seguro-peligroso
simple-complex simple-complejo
single-married soltero-casado
square-round cuadrado-rendondo
strong-weak fuerte débil
tall-short (estatura) alto-chaparro
tidy-untidy ordenado-desordenado
true-false cierto-falso
useful-useless útil-inútil
wet-dry humedo-seco
wide-narrow ancho-estrecho
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