Chapter 4: Typography


Digital Design/Print Media Flashcards on Chapter 4: Typography , created by Jessica Lilanio on 19/09/2016.
Jessica Lilanio
Flashcards by Jessica Lilanio, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Lilanio
Created by Jessica Lilanio over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Typefaces Distinct designs of visual symbols used to compose a printed page. (FONT FAMILY)
Characters Printed visual symbols
Typography the art of arranging type to make written language readable.
Typographer person who creates things using text
Type Metal metal used to create metal letter stamps
Foundry Type pieces of metal used to create spaces between words or sentences.
Manuscript style of letters written by hand
Old English fancy type used on diplomas, certificates, and religious materials.
Subiaco Face early version of Roman type used for books.
Italic Type slanted type based off of handwriting
Heavy Elements darker strokes of a type character that give it identity
Light Elements less dark strokes tied together by darker strokes of a type character.
Serif thickened tips or short finishing-off strokes at the top and bottom of a Roman type.
Ascender part of a letter that rises above the body height.
Descender part of a letter that goes below the body
Roman Type type style based on capital letters cut into stone by the ancient Romans
Old Style Type group of type that have little contrast between heavy and light elements.
Transitional Roman Type type that is a new version of Old Style Roman Type.
Modern Roman Type Type that have increased contrast between very thin, light elements and heavy elements.
Sans Serif type without stoke endings
Black Letter type consisting of faces that resemble the hand-drawn lettering of German Monks
Calligraphy the art of hand-drawing letters
Script Type a type designed to simulate handwriting in which letters ARE joined
Cursive a type designed to simulate handwriting in which letters are NOT joined
Novelty Type type designed primarily to command special attention
Oblique term used to describe a simulated italic character produced by slanting an upright Roman type
Reverse Type white characters on a solid black or color background
Type Family a grouping consisting of all the generations of one type style
Condensed Type those intended to get more words in a less space by narrowing the width of the characters
Expanded Faces those intended to fill more space going to a larger point size
Weight the degree of boldness of the printing surface of a letter
Type Series the range of sizes of each type in a family
Font consists of all characters that make up a specific type.
Ligatures joined letter combinations such as FI, FF, FL, FFI or FFL,found in some type
Small Caps capital letters smaller than the normal caps of font
Pi Character symbols such as stars, asterisks, arrows, percent signs, or check mark
Line Length the distances from the left to right sides of a line or body of copy, usually measured in picas.
Composition Depth the space measuring from the beginning of a composition until the end of the compositions
Point Size a vertical measurement used to identify of specify the size of type
X-Height the height of the lowercase "X"
Text words, sentences, paragraph
Body Type type sizes that range from 4- point through 12-point that are used for setting straight matter
Display Type type above 12-point, used to emphasize the importance of a message and capture the reader's attention
Em Quad in foundry type, a nonprinting type block that is a square of the type size, typically used to indent the beginning of the paragraph
En Quad a spacing element half an EM QUAD in width, typically used to separate words
Set Size the width of a typeset character
Letterspacing changing the spacing between typeset letters
Wordspacing changing the spacing between typeset words.
Loose set term describing wider than normal letter spacing
Tight Set term describing narrower than normal letter spacing
Character compensation am method of tight-setting copy by electronically reducing the width of each character and space very slightly
Tracking a feutre of computer type setting programs that allows control of letter and word spacing together
Justify to adjust letter-spacing and word- spacing so lines of type in a block are all equal in length
Widow a very short word, or part of a word, forming the final line of a paragraph
Kerning a typesetting technique in which space between certain pairs characters is tightened to improve appearance and readability
Legibility measure of how difficult or easy it is to read
Visibility contrast of a dark type against the light reflected by the paper.
Brightness aka: lightness luminosity
Smoothness freedom from surface irregularities
Opacity the quality of a paper that does not allow print from the opposite side to show through.
Ink Darkness a factor that effects the contrast of printed materials
Definition the sharpness or distinction of the printed image
Eye Span the width of body type a person can see with one sweep of the eye
Negative leading the practice of reducing spacing below
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