Nebosh Cards


Health and Safety Flashcards on Nebosh Cards, created by Giannini Chambers on 20/09/2016.
Giannini Chambers
Flashcards by Giannini Chambers, updated more than 1 year ago
Giannini Chambers
Created by Giannini Chambers over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the powers of a HSWA inspector Enter at any reasonable time Bring technical assistance or equipment Take photos, drawings or measurements Dismantle and test Bring police if thought to be obstructed Examinations and investigations Take samples Take statements (must be answered)
What is section 2 of HSWA The duty of employers to employees
What is section 2(1) of HSWA General duties
What is section 2(2) of HSWA Specific duties: a) Safe plant and systems of work b) Safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances c) Information, instruction, training and supervision d) Safe workplace and safe access/egress to/from it e) Safe working environment with adequate welfare facilities
What is section 2(3) of HSWA The requirement to provide written health and safety policy
What is section 2(4) of HSWA Appointment of safety reps by trade unions
What is section 2(6) of HSWA Requirements for employers to consult with safety representatives
What is section 2(7) of HSWA Employers to establish safety committee
What is section 3 of HSWA Employers duty to others (non employees not exposed to risks)
What is section 4 of HSWA Controllers of premises (Safe, access/egress is safe, plant substances provided are safe)
What is section 6 of HSWA Designers, manufacturers, importers and supplier duties
What is section 7 of HSWA Employee's duty Take reasonable care or himself & others affected by work. Co-operate with employer.
What is section 8 of HSWA Interference & misuse
What is section 9 of HSWA Charge to employees No charge can be made to aid in legal compliance
What is section 36 of HSWA Offences due to fault of others
What is section 37 of HSWA Personal liability if directors and senior managers Personally liable for breaches of law.
What is regulation 3 of MHSWR 1999 Suitable risk assessments Made and reviewed
What is regulation 4 of MHSWR 1999 Principle of prevention to be applied
What is regulation 5 of MHSWR 1999 Arrangements for H&S management
What is regulation 6 of MHSWR 1999 Health surveillance
What is regulation 7 of MHSWR 1999 H&S assistance Competent persons to assist in measures to comply with H&S law
What are regulations 8 & 9 of MHSWR 1999 Procedures for serious and imminent danger & contact with external services
What is regulation 10 of MHSWR 1999 Information for employees
What is regulation 11 of MHSWR 1999 Co-operating and coordinating where two employees share a workplace
What is regulation 12,15 of MHSWR 1999 Information for other workers
What is regulation 13 of MHSWR 1999 Capabilities and training Take into account capabilities and provide adequate training
What is regulation 14 of MHSWR 1999 Employee duties Use equipment & materials in accordance with training Inform employer
What is regulation 16-18 of MHSWR 1999 New and expectant mothers Risk assessments, working conditions, paid suspension
What is regulation 19 of MHSWR 1999 Protection of young persons (under age of 18) Experience, perception of risk, physical & mental immaturity
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