
study set for the standards and protocols as well as definitions
Anika Patry
Flashcards by Anika Patry, updated more than 1 year ago
Anika Patry
Created by Anika Patry over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
NOS network operating system
segment subdivisions of a network nodes on a common portion connection. easier for managing purposes
back bone transmission of data small segments connect to the backbone
serial daisy chaining a series of router and switches in a chain that connect to the host
Distributed a series of hubs with a central device that is connected to other switches. easily scaleable
Collapsible backbone one central hub /router is connected to individual switches
parallel similar to the collapse back bone server however it has two routers and double cabling bad: adds double wiring slowing down the transmission of data
DHCP Host Computer Protocol: computer ip can attach by static or using dhcp to automatically receive an ip address
Lans Local area network: self contained network(room or a building etc.)
Wan Wide Area Network(multiple locations) its comprised of LAN segments with long range equipment ex(siast)
ICS Industrial Controll sysytem
SCAD Supervisory Control And Data Acquisitions
DCS distributed Control System
PLC'S Programmable logical Controllers
7-Application of the osi model enables applications on the networks nodes prtocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, IMAP PROXIES AND FREWALLS WORK AT THIS LAYER
6- Presentation layer Transfers application layer data int o an intermediate form that both client nad server can process. functions: character sets, multimedia formats, MIME, ENCRYPTION PROXIES AND FREWALLS WORK AT THIS LAYER
5- Session layer establishes and controlls data communication between applications operating on two different protocol: TCP AND UPD port numbers exist at this later PROXIES AND FiREWALLS WORK AT THIS LAYER
4-Transport Layer performs the establishment, maintenance and tearsdown of the connection. TCP AND UPD protocols exist at this layer packet filtering, routers multilayer switches and FiREWALLS WORK AT THIS LAYER
3-Network Layer Adds logical addressing(network addressing) and chooses the best route. IP, ICMP, IGMP exist at this layer. router, multilayer switches, and firewalls work at this layer
2- Data Link Layer Structures the data into a format appropriate for the transmission medium. adds physical address(like MAC) adresses or frame relay DLCI WAN, LAN protocols exist ethernet, token ring, frame relay, PPP, HDLC, wireless access protocols, ATM and X.25. switches and bridges work at this layer
1- Physical Layer transmits bits from one device to another and regualates the transmission stream over a medium. all electrical and mechanic aspect of data transmission exists at this layer cabling, connectors, antennas, transeivers, baseband, broadband, signaling types, etc.
IEEE stabdard The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers standards in a broad range of: power and energy, biomedical and health care, information technology and robotics,
poE IEEE 802.3af transfers electrical poer over a cat 5 or higher up to 15.4W
poE+ IEEE 802.3at BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE W802.3af 25.5W
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