java strings


flash card set on the string data type, and functions
Anika Patry
Flashcards by Anika Patry, updated more than 1 year ago
Anika Patry
Created by Anika Patry over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what data type is a string? data class type
how do you declare a string? String name where name will be the name you want the string to be
how do you assign value to a string? name = "name" where "name" is the value and name is the name of the actual string
equalignorecase() check if one string equals another while ignoring the case sensitivity
equals() to check if one string equals another case sensitive
charAt( index ) returns a character at certain position
indexOf(charValue) returns the position of that character is in relation to the string
Substring( beginIndex) returns the letter where it is referanced to and then print the rest of the string
isEmpty() used to find out if we have an empty string
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