TA 110D Final


Questions/answers taken from quizzes of Dr. Kent Neely's TA 110D class at WOU. Repeat questions were omitted.
Flashcards by jshin13, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jshin13 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
[T/F] The Hopi are a tribe of people that live in Zimbabwe, Africa. False
Which one of these would not qualify as a performance as we discussed in class: a) A coronation b) A wedding c) A college examination d) A Hopi Snake Dance A college exam
Which of these functions do the Hopi Kachina dolls serve: a) They teach young children about Kachina powers and roles in their tribal life. b) They represent different powers in nature like rain. c) Neither a) or b) d) Both a) and b) d) Both a) and b)
[T/F] Are actions, that is performance, by the Pope helpful and symbolic for people to understand his function and authority? True
[T/F] A kiva is part of the Ancient Greek theatre performance space. False
[T/F] The ekkyklema was a device that tribes in Tshwane, South Africa use as a stage. False
The Hopi Snake Dance
[T/F] It is very likely that trade guilds (e.g., bakers, coopers, etc.) actually assisted in producing Mystery Plays. True
[T/F] The “wiling suspension of disbelief” refers to our ability to imagine what we see on the stage as real, not just make believe. True
Which of the following is not correct in referring to the characteristics of theatre: a) The stories told in performance have special significance and power. b) The collective nature of the performance means everyone is engaged in common purpose and in common belief. c) The theatre incorporates these elements. It compresses time and experience into a condensed period which can provoke intense reactions – sad or happy. d) All the above are correct. All the above are correct.
[T/F] Dionysus was the Ancient Greek god associated with fertility, or the life force, and wine. True
Which of these was the festival that featured play productions in Ancient Greek times: a) The City Euripides b) The City Aeschylus c) The City Orestia d) None of the above None of the above
Medea murders her husband’s lover who was named: a) Clytemnestra b) Eumenides c) Glauce d) None of the above Glauce
[T/F] The Ancient Greeks used masks to create different characters in plays because there were only three actors and they couldn’t play all the roles. True
A pageant wagon
[T/F] A “hell mouth” refers to a scenic device that was very popular among the tribes in Tshwane, South Africa. False
Which of the following is untrue about Medieval theatre: a) The stories were presented in an episodic fashion. b) The images were constructed symmetrically. c) Special effects were a source of special delight d) None of the above – they are all true. None of the above – they are all true.
The theatre where Shakespeare likely produced plays
[T/F] Queen Elizabeth I came to the throne following her father, King Richard III. False
[T/F] Theatre was able to grow and prosper during Elizabeth’s rule partly because she brought stability to England during her long reign. True
The theatres in Elizabethan England may have served as animal baiting arenas first. True
Doctor Faustus was a play written by: a) Christopher Marlowe b) Ben Jonson c) William Shakespeare d) Hrotsvitha of Gandesheim Christopher Marlowe
Which of the following is not a category of plays written by Shakespeare: a) Histories b) Comedies c) Tragedies d) Dramedies Dramedies
Confucius was a philosopher who a) Taught Aristotle b) Wrote plays for the Beijing Opera c) Was a Chinese Emperor d) None of the above None of the above
We associate calligraphy, pottery and silk production as indicators of cultural development in: a) Ancient China b) Ancient Greece c) Elizabethan England d) None of the above Ancient China
Chinese operas were divided into general categories. Which of the following categories is not a Chinese opera category: a) Civil b) Military c) Slapstick d) None of the above Slapstick
Which of the following leaders led the revolution that resulted in the People’s Republic of China: a) Confucius b) Mao Zedong c) Empress Cixi d) None of the above Mao Zedong
[T/F] Women did not perform in Ancient Greek plays, in Elizabethan dramas or Medieval performances. True
The play Joe Turner’s Come and Gone was written by: a) Harold Loomis b) August Wilson c) W. E. B. DuBois d) W. C. Handy August Wilson
[T/F] Shakespeare was an amateur playwright and never earned money from writing plays. False
Hubris is a term that refers to a) Gluttony b) Avarice c) Envy d) Excessive pride. Excessive pride
Shakespeare wrote in a particular style that we call a) Iambic pentameter b) Trochaic tetrameter c) Kalevala meter d) None of the above Iambic pentameter
This English king led England to split away from the Catholic Church and create the Anglican Church a) Henry VIII b) Richard II c) Raymond III d) None of the above Henry VIII
[T/F] Time is “condensed” during performance. True
[T/F] Ancient Greek tragedies valued “insight”. Ironically, in the play Oedipus the King, Oedipus gains insight when he blinds himself. True
[T/F] During the Chinese Cultural Revolution theatre was used as propaganda. True
Performances during the Medieval Period were done because: a) They were a great source of income for the participants b) They allowed the church to teach a largely illiterate audience c) They provided a means to feature star performers in plays d) None of the above They allowed the church to teach a largely illiterate audience
The Reformation is a period of time that is associated with: a) Following the creation of the Anglican Church in England b) The post revolutionary period in modern China c) The period when the best plays were written in Ancient Greece d) None of the above Following the creation of the Anglican Church in England
[T/F] “Juba time” refers to a type of performance among African American’s as portrayed in Joe Turner’s Come and Gone. True
Which of these characters is not in Joe Turner’s Come and Gone. a) Rutherford Selig b) Seth Holly c) Christopher Marlowe d) Jeremy Furlow Christopher Marlowe
[T/F] Zonia is the daughter of Seth and Bertha Holly. False
The play Joe Turner’s Come and Gone is set in: a) Birmingham, Alabama b) Atlanta, Georgia c) Memphis, Tennessee d) None of the above None of the above
Bynum Walker says that the got his name because: a) He binds people together b) He buys groceries for neighbors c) His father was a famous singer d) None of the above He binds people together
Harold Loomis wants to find his wife, Martha. They were separated when: a) He was taken by Joe Turner b) He went to Chicago to find work c) He was drafted into the army. d) None of the above He was taken by Joe Turner
The antagonist in Joe Turner’s Come and Gone is a) Harold Loomis b) Bynum Walker c) Mattie Campbell d) None of the above None of the above
[T/F] Beijing Opera emphasizes plot more than diaglogue. True
[T/F] The Ancient Greek Theatre, Elizabethan Theatre and the Beijing Opera share a similarity, none had elaborate scenery. True
[T/F] Ancient Greek Theatre and Roman Theatre might have actually influenced Shakspeare. True
[T/F] Shakespeare relied upon other sources for his plays, like Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. True
Bynum use pigeon blood in a rite that Seth calls a) Santeria b) “heebie-jeebie stuff” c) Voodoo d) None of the above “heebie-jeebie stuff”
Everything we see on stage (excluding the actors) could be classified as what according to Aristotle? A. Scenery B. Setting C. Spectacle D. None of the above Spectacle
The two plays, Joe Turner’s Come and Gone and Dog Lady share this in common: A. Both plays take place in California B. Both plays use supernatural forces C. Both plays center on a husband and wife D. None of the above. Both plays use supernatural forces
[T/F] The Catholic Church has no relevance in the play Dog Lady. False
This genre of drama is dependent upon a clear sense of right and wrong and very often resolves conflict through active events (including violence). A. Tragedy B. Melodrama C. Comedy D. None of the above Melodrama
This genre of drama can be funny because it doesn’t fulfill your expectations. A. Farce B. Melodrama C. Tragedy D. None of the above Farce
[T/F] Action varies in intensity according to the plot of the play. True
Every play, regardless of genre, depends on which of these elements in order to work: A. Motivated characters B. Plot C. Conflict D. All of the above All of the above
Freytag’s Pyramid includes different parts. Which of the following is not part of the Pyramid: A. Character B. Music C. Spectacle D. All of the above are not part of the Pyramid All of the above are not part of the Pyramid
[T/F] Characters are the entry way into a play. True
Which of these ancient Greek philosophers wrote The Poetics A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Hippocrates Aristotle
Freytag’s Pyramid includes different parts. Which of the following is not part of the Pyramid: A. Rising Action B. Climax C. Falling Action D. Dramatic Irony Dramatic Irony
Death of a Salesman
[T/F] Plot is the term we used to describe the organization of action within a play. True
This character is a tragic figure because he was affected by fate. He unknowingly murdered his father, married his mother and had children by her. A. Macbeth B. King Lear C. King Laius D. None of the above. None of the above
[T/F] An excellent example of dramatic irony occurs in Romeo and Juliet. Romeo doesn’t know that Juliet only appears dead and is actually unconscious - but the audience knows. True
In class we watched a film clip of the Marx Brothers performing in A Night in Casablanca. The genre of drama that the film clip demonstrates is: A. Comedy B. Farce C. Tragedy D. Melodrama Farce
“Comedy aims at representing men as worse, tragedy as better than in actual life.” This statement was made by: A. Shakespeare B. August Wilson C. Milca Sanchez-Scott D. None of the above None of the above
Dog Lady by Milca Sanchez Scott is which type of play: A. Comedy B. Tragedy C. Melodrama D. Tragicomedy Comedy
[T/F] . Catharsis refers to a “purging of emotions”. True
The action of this genre of drama takes place in a “pain free” world. A. Tragedy B. Comedy C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B Comedy
Characters in this genre of drama have little or no internal conflict about the consequences of their actions. A. Melodrama B. Tragedy C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B Melodrama
[T/F] Dog Lady and And the Soul Shall Dance both take place in California. True
[T/F] And the Soul Shall Dance is a play about Hispanic immigrants. False
Constantin Stanislavski
At the very beginning of And the Soul Shall Dance this has occurred. A. The bath house has burned B. Oka has sold his horse C. Kiyoto has come to the U.S. from Japan D. Emiko has appeared in an elaborate kimono The bath house has burned
Lillian Hellman
[Lillian Hellman] wrote a play that was very controversial when it was first performed in the early 1930’s in the United States. The play deals with a private girls’ school where two teachers are accused of being lesbian. A. Death of a Salesman B. Glass Menagerie C. A Doll’s House D. The Children’s Hour The Children’s Hour
“The Method” relies upon a particular technique for the actor to come up with ways to perform realistically. A. The "dreaming” B. The “magic if” C. The “solid assessment” D. None of the above The "magic if"
[T/F] Farce, like examples we saw of the Marx Brothers or of Will Ferrell, emphasizes the actor more than a carefully written play or its dialogue. True
[T/F] “In theatrical communication, the distinctive manner in which a playwright chooses to describe express, interpret, or present her or his worldview is referred to as style.” True
Waiting for Godot is considered an excellent example of which genre of drama? A. Melodrama B. Tragedy C. Tragicomedy D. None of the above Tragicomedy
[T/F] Plays are depictions of characters involved in events. True
[T/F] Dramatic and comic irony rely upon the audience knowing things that the characters in the play do not know. True
[T/F] “…the progress of the play always moves toward a conclusion that brings the action together.” True
Arthur Miller was trained in this field before becoming a playwright: A. Medicine B. Law C. Journalism D. None of the above Journalism
[T/F] Characters in plays are motivated to accomplish something and face obstacles to attaining their goal. True
[T/F] And the Soul Shall Dance takes place in the period just before the First World War. False
The elements “inciting moment,” “climax,” and “last moment of suspense” are all part of what? A. Foucault’s pendulum B. The Gordian Knot C. Freytag’s Pyramid D. None of the above Freytag’s Pyramid
One of the plays we read takes place in “a barrio”. That play is: A. Joe Turner’s Come and Gone B. Dog Lady C. And the Soul Shall Dance D. None of the above Dog Lady
A character in this play says: “That be the best. These men make all these babies, then run off and leave you to take care of them. Talking about they wanna see what’s on the other side of the hill. I make sure I don’t get no babies. My mama taught me how to do that.” A. Joe Turner’s Come and Gone B. Dog Lady C. And the Soul Shall Dance D. None of the above Joe Turner's Come and Gone
[T/F] Realism works on the belief that we, the audience, can understand a situation if we simply know enough facts, if we know something about the past and something about characters’ heredity. True
King Lear
[T/F] “Slapstick” comedy originated in Italy and, now, is a term referring to physical comedy. True
[T/F] Characters in comedies exist in a “Pain Free” world where we accept that they will not suffer long term injury. True
[T/F] Tragedies have very high stakes for loss and pain – even up to death. True
When we watch a tragedy, we may have pity for the character and fear the outcome of the play. These conditions may lead to this type of experience. A. Denouement B. Fainéant C. Catharsis D. None of the above Catharsis
This dramatic genre includes humor that rests upon making observations about issues in life which have no real answer. A. Tragedy B. Comedy C. Tragicomedy D. None of the above Tragicomedy
Anton Chekhov was trained to do this before becoming a playwright: A. Medicine E. Law F. Journalism G. None of the above Medicine
[T/F] August Strindberg’s plays were very complimentary toward the relationships between men and women. False
[T/F] Rosalinda, a character in Dog Lady, enters a race in hopes to win a trip to Rome. True
August Wilson's Play "Joe Turner's Come and Gone" takes place in: The Hill District of Pittsburgh
Which Greek philosopher wrote The Poetics? Aristotle
Plays that are based upon personal experiences and knowledge from the playwrights Memory plays
Angels in America deals with what condition? AIDS crisis in America
Which playwright's works deal with Self-Determination, Self-Respect, and Self-Defense? August Wilson
[T/F] Characters are the entry way into a play. True
[T/F] "Issei" is a word the Japanese used for immigrant True
"Magical Realism" used in which play? Soul Shall Dance, Joe Turner, or Angels in America None of the above
[T/F] Bertholt Brecht said that his plays should not induce empathy. They should seem strange or alien to the audience. True
Blended language or interlingualism was evident in: Dog Lady
Bessie Smith
This genre is funny because it doesn't fulfill expectations Farce
[T/F] Different types of theatre came about due to extraordinary events True
"Art is a lie that tells the truth" Pablo Picasso
Magical Realism
[T/F] The Holocaust and the first Atomic Bomb were factors that lead to the creation of the Theatre of the Absurd True
Angels in America includes this character known for being a ruthless lawyer: Roy Cohn
Harold Loomis was a victim of what practice? Peonage
Bertholt Brecht
Ethel Rosenberg was convicted of spying on the US by this man: Roy Cohn
Plays depend on which of these elements in order to work? Motivated characters, plot, conflict All of the above
Which is NOT a part of Freytag's Pyramid? Character, music, spectacle None of these are part of the Pyramid
"The actor does not allow himself to become completely transformed into the character he is portraying." Bertholt Brecht
This playwright said he intended to write a play about his race's experience for every decade beginning in the 1900's. August Wilson
What was NOT a cultural image that appeared in "Soul Shall Dance"? Koi fish
[T/F] "And the Soul Shall Dance" is set in 1935. That year has no relevance to the play's meaning. False
"Dora Maar Seated", "Dr. Caligari", and "Metropolis" represent what particular art movement? Expressionism
Angels in America is subtitled: Millennium Approaches
[T/F] Harper Pitt, the wife of Joe Pitt, in Angels in America abuses drugs. True
And the Soul Shall Dance
"Comedy aims at representing men as worse, tragedy as better than in actual life." Aristotle
[T/F] Angels in America takes place in NYC True
[T/F] Robert Wilson was a contemporary of Bertholt Brecht and the two shared a similar theatrical style. False
Bertholt Brecht's involvement in WWI likely had no impact on his playwriting. False
A Japanese internment camp in the US
"inciting moment", "climax", and "last moment of suspense" are all part of what? Freytag's Pyramid
[T/F] Realism works on the belief that we, the audience, can understand a situation if we simply know enough facts, if we know something about the past and something about characters' heredity. True
This dramitic genre includes humor that rests upon making observations about issues in life which have no real answer. Tragicomedy
Prior Walter, Louis Ironson, and Belize are all characters in which play? Angels in America
Which religion (faith) is mentioned in Angels of America? Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church)
[T/F] Dramatic and comic irony rely upon the audience knowing things that the characters in the play do not know. True
Assistant to Senator Joseph McCarthy? Roy Cohn
[T/F] Celebrities who suffered from AIDS brought attention to the disease in the 1980's True
[T/F] The "internal" approach to acting is one that requires the actor to express a sense of "psychological reality" - which was what the "method" approach did. True
[T/F] The director is the person who is the "author" of the stage action. True
This director created fanciful works that included angels and a character named "Buzz" who was a gorilla. Ping Chong
Poor Theatre
Nickname for young urban professional yuppie
[T/F] The "Red Scare" was like the Salem Witch Trials. True
[T/F] External acting requires the actor to be in control of his/her "instrument" - the body and voice. True
[T/F] The context of the times in which playwrights lived influced what they wrote and what they wrote about True
This 70s/80s movement was characterized by groups who had common interest (race, sexual preference, gender, so forth) and were politically active. This movement was called: Identity Politics
"Blocking" a play refers to the process done by: The director
The costume worn by an actor must do which of the following: it must clothe the actor, establish the character's identity, communicate any special conditions of the character's life All of the above
This person holds auditions and chooses actors who will play particular characters in a play: The director
[T/F] The "light plot" is the term used referring to the diagram that shows the kind of lighting instruments to be used in a play and where they are to be placed. True
Duke Georg II and the Meiningen Players
[T/F] Ping Chon's play productions feature multimedia techniques. True
Stanislavski saw this group of performers and was very impressed with their attention to detail and historical accuracy. The Meiningen Players
The central idea of the play was called what by Stanislavski? The spine
[T/F] Actors performing Shakespeare's plays will likely find the "external approach" appropriate because of the emphasis on language. True
[T/F] Actors - like athletes - do various exercises to keep their speech abilities and their body in good condition for performing. True
Thrust theatre
Arena theatre
This director and acting teacher was interested in having actors develop a sense of psychological realism with the characters they portrayed. He was: Constantin Stanislavski
Production done by Duke Georg II
[T/F] Spring Awakening was originally a play written at the end of the 19th century and adapted into musical form. True
[T/F] Tony Kushner was especially influenced by the greed and materialism by the 1980's. True
The first theatre director was: Georg II, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen
[T/F] The "impulse to act" is part of what motivates an actor to perform. True
[T/F] Jersy Grotowski produced Akropolis which was a play that dealt with the terrible experiences at Auschwitz. True
[T/F] Actors say that they can have three levels of consciousness when performing - as themselves, as the character they are playing, and as the audience sees him/her performing as the character. True
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