Women in Nazi Germany - Flashcards


A revision flash card deck for the topic of women in Nazi Germany.
Louisa Wania
Flashcards by Louisa Wania, updated more than 1 year ago
Louisa Wania
Created by Louisa Wania about 11 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (8)

Resource summary

Question Answer
What were the aims of Nazi Policies towards Aryan women? - Women to have larger families - The Three K's - Women to have traditional roles
What do the Three K's stand for? Kinder - Children Kueche - Kitchen Kirche - Church
How were women more liberated in Weimar Germany? Women had equal rights to men. Women could vote. Many women worked for a living.
What was the Nazi's idea of an ideal woman? A woman who would... - look after children and husband - not wear make-up, wear trousers, or smoke - be Aryan - be fit and healthy - have lots of children
How were women enouraged to have larger families? - Discouraged from entering the workplace - Loans to married women who agreed to not work - More maternity benefits and family allowances - No birth control or abortion - Awards
What were Nazi's aims towards Non-Aryan women? Lower or stop their birth rate
How did Nazis go about achieving these aims? Almost 100,000 women forcibly strelised under the law for the prevention of diseased offspring. Or by killing them and their children
How did Rearmament affect Nazi Policies? Women were needed in the workplace, particularly on frams and in factories. War work became compulsory for adult women in 1942.
How successful was the aim of stopping Aryan women of working? Fairly successful, numbers of working women fell dramatically.
How successful was the aim of encouraging Aryan women to have more children? Not very successful. Birth rates incresed slightly but did not match the 1920's boom.
How successful was the Nazi's racial policy regarding Non-Aryan women? Very successful. Women were either sterelised so they couldn't have children or them and their children were killed.
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