Biology Definitions


Communication and Homeostatis
Ellie Perrior
Flashcards by Ellie Perrior, updated more than 1 year ago
Ellie Perrior
Created by Ellie Perrior over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Stimulus Any change in the environment that causes a response.
Response A change in behaviour or physiology as a result of a change in the environment.
Cell Signalling The process by which cells communicate with each other. One cell will release a chemical that is detected by another.
Homeostasis The maintenance of the internal environment in a constant state despite external changes.
Negative Feedback A process that brings about a reversal in any change in conditions. It ensures that an optimum steady state can be maintained, as the internal environment is returned to its original set of conditions after any change.
Positive Feedback A process that increases any change detected by receptors. It is less common than negative feedback. It tends to be harmful and does not lead to homeostasis.
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