Hinduism KeyWords


RE KeyWords (Hinduism)
Boney Mahesh
Flashcards by Boney Mahesh, updated more than 1 year ago
Boney Mahesh
Created by Boney Mahesh over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ahimsa non-injury to living things; the doctrine of non-violence
Brahman the supreme power in the Universe; ultimate reality; God
Diwali Hindu festival of Lights (sometimes Divali or Deepavali); this celebrates good conquering evil and invites the goddess Lakshmi into the home
Dharma the religious and moral duty in relation to a person’s status in Hindu society, 'considered by many, but not all, to be linked to caste
Moksha release from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth; liberation; ultimate union with God
Murti ‘form’; an image or statue of a God/Goddess; one or more of these are often the focal point of puja
Puja prayer/worship of the gods; offerings. Offerings are given to the murti
Trimurti the three major aspects of the Brahman, the supreme power; Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer
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