
Business Communication Systems Flashcards on Untitled, created by fopp125 on 28/03/2014.
Flashcards by fopp125, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by fopp125 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name the 4 data sources -Primary reasearch -Secondary reasearch -Manual -Electronic
Name the 4 data storeage devices -Hard disk -USB -CD -DVD
Name the 6 data input devices -keyboard -mouse -scanner -digital camera -webcam -Voice recognition
Data output devices -Printer -Mointer -Projector
How can businesses keep data secure? -Virus Protection software -Firewall -Encryption -Password -Only certain people having access -Biometric access
How can buisnesses keep hardware secure? -Locks -Serial number on equipment -Rules about who can take equipment home
Why should a buisness keep data about customers secure? -Data protection act says: Data should be kept safe So data cannot be used by unauthorised people
How are employees paid? -Wages (hourly rate paid weekly) -Salaries (yearly rate paid monthly) -Overtime (extra pay for working longer hours) -Bonus (extra money for achieving a target) -Commission (extra money for making a sale) > % of the value of the sale
Name 6 rewards other than pay -Fringe benifits -Staff discount -Subsidised (cheaper) meals -Pension scheme -Company car -Medical care - Life insurance
What are the employment laws? -Sex discrimination Act -Race relations Act -Age regulations -Disability Discrimination Act
What is the Employer Law? 'Equal Pay Act'- men and women should be payed the same amount of money when doing the same work.
What is Equal opportunities? (define some) Everyone should be treated equally -Gender -Race/religions -Age -Disability
What is the purpose of a website? -E-commerce (buying and selling products and services) -Provide information -Recruit staff
Website risks -techincal problems -Security threats (credit card fraud) -Employ more people to manage orders and the website -Cost of maintaing/setting up the website -Lack of personal support -Customers may not want to buy online without testing product first
Website opputunities -Trade 24/7=more sales -More awareness of the buisness -More competitve
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