PE sports psychology (skills)


Flashcards on PE sports psychology , created by Sam Gunnell on 05/11/2016.
Sam Gunnell
Flashcards by Sam Gunnell, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Gunnell
Created by Sam Gunnell over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ability Something U can't learn and will stay with you for your whole life. Born with
Skill Something you learn. E.g. Kicking a ball
Open skill A skill that is effected by the environment e.g. A defender stoping u from running
Closed skill Skill that isn't effected by the environment e.g. A shot put throw
Self paced skill A performer decides how quickly they will perform the skill e.g. A penalty kicker will decide how hard to kick the ball
Externally paced skill The environment decides when the skill will start eg a badminton player will have to wait for the opponent to make a shot and then the performer will have to react the play it back
Gross skill A big movement that involves big muscle movements eg butterfly stroke is a big movement
Fine skill Smaller movements that use smaller muscle groups. They normally achieve more accuracy. Eg a flick of the wrist in darks is a fine movement
Basic skills They are simple skills that don't require a lot of information to be processed eg throw and catch
Complex Harder movements that need higher levels of co ordination and concentration. There is a lot of information to be processed eg a running throw
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