

- What does CPU stand for? - Name 3 manufactures for CPU - Name 3 working units of a CPU - Name 3 functions of a CPU - What is the sequence of actions that the CPU performs to execute each instruction in a program? - Learn to read ‘Speccy’ - Core, Threads, Cache and instruction set - Learn to compare 2 processors given the Core, Threads, etc. - Calculation of processor speed, cycle and instruction - What is a CPU register? - What is a Word Size? - What are the 2 types of computer inst
Syabil Hafizdini
Flashcards by Syabil Hafizdini, updated more than 1 year ago
Syabil Hafizdini
Created by Syabil Hafizdini over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does CPU stand for? - Central Processing Unit
What are the 3 most popular CPU manufacturers? - Intel, AMD, IBM.
What are the 3 working units in a CPU? - Control unit, Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU) and Memory unit.
What are the 4 functions of a CPU in sequential order? Fetch: the instruction from main memory or cache into the CPU (instruction register). Decode: the instruction to determine the action needs to be performed. Execute: the action with control unit sends a sequence of control signals to the relevant function units of the CPU. Store: the result back to a register/memory location
What is the difference between dual core and quad-core? - More core means the computer can handle and do more processes.
What does the number of threads mean? - Threads are identified by the computer as logical CPUs thus if the CPU has 4 threads, it can run 4 processes at the same time.
What does the bus speed mean? - It is a circuit that connects one part of the motherboard to another. - The more data the bus can handle, the faster it allows information to travel.
What does the core speed mean? - It means the number of instructions it can process per second.
What is a cache? - It stores program instructions of data that are frequently referenced by the software during operation.
What is an instruction set? - It is a group of commands for a CPU in machine code.
Which is better; a single core CPU or a dual-core CPU that has the same speed? - The dual-core CPU is better as it can execute multiple operations at the same time and reduce waiting times and enhance the computer's productivity.
If a processor is measured at 100 MHz and each instruction requires 1 cycle. How many instructions can it process in 1 second? - 100 MHz = 100,000,000 cycles /second Since 1 cycle = 1 instruction, 100,000,000 cycles = 100,000,000 instructions /second
If a processor is running at 800 MHz and it takes 10 cycles per instruction, how many instructions can it process in 1 min? 800MHz = 800 * 10^6 cycles 10 cycles = 1 instruction 80,000,000 instructions = 800,000,000 cycles Thus 80,000,000 * 60 = 4,800,000,000 instructions / min
What is a CPU register? - It is a special, high-speed storage area within the CPU - It can hold data, address, or instructions to be used by the CPU - The size of the register is in Bits
What is a word size? - It is the number of bits that a CPU can process at one time - It is a fixed sized piece of data handled as a unit by the instructions set or the hardware of the processor - Word size refers to the size of a processor register
What is the difference between two CPU that has different word size? - Processors with a larger word size can process more data during each processor cycle
What is the two type of computer instruction sets? - Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) - Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
What are the differences between CISC and RISC? - CISC is hardware emphasis - RISC is software emphasis - More cycles are required for CISC per instruction while RISC only needs 1 cycle per instruction
CISC: Line 1: mov ax, 12 Line 2: mov bx, 2 Line 3: mul ax, bx Line 4: add ax, bx Line 1: a = 12 (1 cycle) Line 2: b = 2 (1 cycle) Line 3: multiply a and b and put it in a (30 cycles) Line 4: add a and b and put into a (1 cycle) Thus, a = 26 and b = 2 33 Cycles
RISC: Line 1: mov ax, 0 Line 2: mov bx, 2 Line 3: mov cx, 3 Line 4: Begin add ax, bx Line 5: loop Begin Line 6: add ax, bx a = 0 b = 2 c = countdown = 3 Line 4: name the loop as "Begin" which adds a and b and puts the sum into a Line 5: loops Begin 3 times (since c = 3) Line 6: After loop ended, add a and b and put it into a Thus, a = 2+2+2+2 = 8 b = 2 c = 0 Cycles = 10 cycles
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