Dwambays Computing Flashcards


This is life itself
Zak O'Mahoney
Flashcards by Zak O'Mahoney, updated more than 1 year ago
Zak O'Mahoney
Created by Zak O'Mahoney over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Abstraction Separating and Filtering
Algorithm A sequence of logical instructions for carrying out a task in computing.
Binary Search A faster way of searching. In this method the data is halved every time.
Bubble Sort A slow sorting algorithm. It passes through the data, swooping when necessary.
Bucket Sort A sorting algorithm that separates data into different groups, buckets. They are filled with data and then sorted.
Computational Thinking A problem solving method using computer science techniques, presented in a way that computers and humans can read, such as: peusdocode flowchart.
Condition Statement or sum that is either true or false
Counter Stores the number of times an event has happened
Criteria Rules that must be met, often in searches.
Data Information
Data Type The format of the variable or constant e.g. integer or string
Database A system for storing data, these systems are made to make it easier to work.
Decomposition Breaking down data into more understandable bits.
Design Criteria Standards for designers while making a system
Flowchart A diagram of coding, uses boxes.
Input Entries into a system which modify system
Instructinon An action that can be used by a computer
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