Research: Citing Sources and Academic Honesty


Students will review expectations, guidelines, and practices for ensuring cited sources and good research techniques.
Flashcards by lpartridge, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lpartridge over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How does information you’d find on an academic website differ from information you’d find on a personal website? Academic websites are fact-checked and edited, while anyone can create a personal website (like a blog) without really knowing credible information about the topic.
The research and writing processes are important in helping you become better writers; number the following steps in the correct sequence (5): a. Use to create MLA citations from your sources_______ b. Find academic, credible sources___________________________________ c. Organize and format your citations in a works cited page___________ d. Paraphrase or quote your research in your writing__________________ e. Write down source information and notes on source logs___________
What are some sure signs of good, academic sources? The information came from an encyclopedia; the website is a .edu/.gov/.org web address; a non-fiction book; there are cited sources within the text
If one of your sources has no author listed, what should you do? Double check that there is no author and cite the publication or title of the source instead; leave off the individual author
What is plagiarism? Taking someone else’s ideas or words without giving credit
How should you organize your MLA citations on your works cited page? Alphabetically
Why is it important to fill out source logs as you research? Source logs help you keep your notes organized and keep track of citation information.
How can you avoid plagiarism? Put quotes around information that came directly from a source, provide a works cited page, paraphrase information, put writing into your own words
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