French New Wave


Flashcards to help remember context and facts about the films Breathless and Bande a Part
Rebecca Cooling
Flashcards by Rebecca Cooling, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Cooling
Created by Rebecca Cooling over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cahiers [___] Cinema Du (Du for boo (boo=notebook=cahiers))
Cinema [___] Papa De (de for the)
How did Cinema Du Papa influence the French New Wave? French New Wave directors thought that Cinema De Papa films were too common and too mainstream and too samey.
What is the Blum Byrnes Agreement? An agreement that aimed to eradicate France's debts to America in exchange for them to open their market to American products
Why was the Blum Byrnes Agreement bad for French films? Because it meant that French films were getting less attention as there were more American ones
How did World War 2 influence the creation of French films? France was occupied by Germany which meant that they were forbidden to see any film made by the 'enemy', therefore allowing French films to flourish as they had little to no competition as long as the films supported Germany.
When was Breathless (A Bout De Souffle) released? 1959/1960
What are the main characters called in Breathless Michael Patricia
Which actor does Michael imitate Humphrey Bogart
What are examples of America in Breathless? Patricia The American Cars The New York Herald Tribune
When was Bande A Part released? 1964
Who are the main characters in Bande a Part? Arthur Franz Odile
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