Separation Techniques


Chemistry (Chemical Earth) Flashcards on Separation Techniques, created by Kass on 05/05/2013.
Flashcards by Kass, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kass almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Process in which solids settle to the bottom of the container Sedimentation
Separating solid particles according to their particle size by passing them through a perforated barrier Seiving
Process of separating the liquid component of a solution by boiling the solution and condensing the resulting vapour back to a liquid Distillation
Process of carefully pouring off the liquid and leaving the solid undisturbed at the bottom of the container decantation
Process of separating undissolved solid from a liquid or gas by passing the mixture through a filter Filtration
Process of passing a mixture through a magnetic field to separate the magnetic and non magnetic components Magnetic Separation
Process of separating a dissolved solid from a solution by vaporising the liquid Evaporation
Process of forming crystals from a solution Crystallisation
E.g. Separating sand and gravel Sieving; difference in particle size
E.g. Separating crude oil into various fragments Fractional Distillation; difference in boiling point
E.g. Obtaining salt from sea water Evaporation and Crystallisation; difference in boiling points
E.g. Removing solids from petrol Filtration; difference in particle size
E.g. Separating gold from sand Sedimentation; difference in density
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