Science Unit 1.2 (Victims and Suspects)


Science (new) Flashcards on Science Unit 1.2 (Victims and Suspects), created by Edis Saric on 29/11/2016.
Edis Saric
Flashcards by Edis Saric, updated more than 1 year ago
Edis Saric
Created by Edis Saric over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what are alpha rays? a form of nuclear radiation
what is an anthropometry? a study of body size and proportions
what are arches? a form of fingerprints in the shape of arches
what are assassinations? political murder
what is an autopsy? dissection of a body to determine cause of death
what is an autoradiogram? pattern that represents DNA patterning
what is an bertillon system? a form of anthropometry that represents DNA patterning
what is biometric facial recognition? scanned faces that a computer saves
what is cctv? closed circuit tv
what is composite? a form of fingerprint
what are dioxins? a form of poison
what is gel electrophoresis? process to aproduce an autoradiogram
what is identikit? form of identification in which facial features are slotted together
what are loops? a form of fingerprints in the shape of loops
what is polonium-210? radioactive material, used once as a poison
what is retroactive interference? changes in the memory of an eyewitness after looking at other images
whats a ricin? a form of poison
what are whorls? a form of fingerprints in the shape of whorls
what are diatoms? small single-celled organisms that are made of silica, a very hard material
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