Chapter 15


GCSE Business studies Flashcards on Chapter 15, created by Kirstie Fox on 30/11/2016.
Kirstie Fox
Flashcards by Kirstie Fox, updated more than 1 year ago
Kirstie Fox
Created by Kirstie Fox about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Business communication is the transmission of the information concerning work from one person to another
The four types visual verbal written Graphical
written disadvantages and advantages A.permany record legal document accountablilty D.slow and time consuming legthy and expensive loack of personal touch
verbal A and D A.Time saving More powerful cost saving D.No record Inaccuracy Confused speech limited use
visual A and D A. simple presentation popular helps in quick decisions D.costly incomplete method wastage of time problems for general readers
formal when the matter is serious and important and you need a written record
informal when people knos eachother well and people wjo make frequent contact
internal supervisor colleagues other departments reception
External customers suppliers other companies external agencies
barries of communication language Illiterate time zone technology signal post battery
how does a business measure its success market share profits customer recogniture growth/expansion share price no. of customers customer satifaction
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