Schizophrenia key words


Key words for schizophrenia aqa a level
Mollie Summer
Flashcards by Mollie Summer, updated more than 1 year ago
Mollie Summer
Created by Mollie Summer about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cognitive behaviour therapy Modifies thought patterns to alter behavioural and emotional states
Rational emotional behaviour therapy Teaches schizophrenics that irrational thoughts and emotions are part of the illness that they must live with
Clozapine Atypical drug, 2nd generation, effects positive and negative symptoms
Chloropromazine Conventional drug, 1st generation, dopamine antagonist
Meta-cognition Cognitive monitoring of one's own thought processes - includes ability to detect errors
Family therapy Treatment of schizophrenia by alteration of communication systems within families
Token economies Reinforces target behaviour by awarding tokens that can be exchanged for material goods
DIathesis-stress model People have varying genetic potentials for schizophrenia which combines with the degree of environmental stressors in their lives to form their actual amount of vulnerability of the disorder
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