AP Biology test chapter 4


Vocab and concepts
Kimberlee Hernandez
Flashcards by Kimberlee Hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Kimberlee Hernandez
Created by Kimberlee Hernandez about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cell theory (3) 1. Cell is basic unit of life 2. All organisms have at least one cell 3. All cells come from other cells.
Prokaryotic cell characteristics (4) -no nucleus -circular (loop) DNA -no membrane enclosed organelles -enclosed by plasma membrane (encased in rigid cell wall)
Characteristics of Eukaryotic cells (4) -larger and more complex -true nucleus -many membrane bound organelles -linear DNA
Cell membrane -Contact/interact with environment -regulate transport in/out
Rough er -Manufactures membranes -ribosomes of er produces proteins
Smooth er -Synthesizes lipids -regulate carbohydrate metabolism -break toxins and drugs
Golgi Receive and modify ER products, send to other organelles or to cell membrane .
Lysosomes -digestive enzymes in membrane sacs bud from golgi -damaged / dead cell parts -destroy bacteria -digest food -apoptosis (damaged, infected, cancerous, embryonic development)
Large central vacuole -in plants - gives cel support ; stores water -has lysosomal and storage functions
Endosymbiotic theory and evidence (4) -mitochondria evolved from prokaryotes Evidence : -own DNA (circular, sequence similar to prokaryotes) -have own ribosomes that resemble bacterial ribosomes -divide by binary fission -Inner membrane chemically resembles bacterial membrane
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