AP Biology chapter 9 cell division


Vocab and concepts
Kimberlee Hernandez
Flashcards by Kimberlee Hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Kimberlee Hernandez
Created by Kimberlee Hernandez about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why do cells divide? (4) -replace dead or damaged cells -growth of multicellular organisms (making more cells) -reproduction -"DNA overload
Mitosis functions in Growth
DNA and proteins Packaged as chromatic -euchromatin: lightly packaged (de condensed) -heterochromatin: tightly packaged (condensed)
Interphase (4) •growth •normal cell functions •chromosomes copied •prepare to divide
Anchorage dependence •most cells divide only when attached to a surface
Density-dependent inhibition •cells continue dividing until they touch one another then stop
Internal regulators •cycling increase causes cell to divide
Internal regulator : p53 gene Halts cell cycle until DNA is repaired
External regulators •growth factors (growth hormones) -proteins secreted by cells that stimulate other cells to divide -signal cell to divide
Checkpoints Help regulate the cell cycle
Cancer cells -Have abnormal cell cycles -caused by mutant genes regulating the cell cycle (p53 gene) -ignore checkpoints and other regulatory mechanisms -divide excessively, can form tumors
Malignant tumors Can invade other tissues and may kill the organisms
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