Chapter 16


GCSE Business studies Flashcards on Chapter 16, created by Kirstie Fox on 05/12/2016.
Kirstie Fox
Flashcards by Kirstie Fox, updated more than 1 year ago
Kirstie Fox
Created by Kirstie Fox about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The internet The internet a wide network of computers that are connected together.
The most common web browsers are Firefox Internet Explorer Safari Netscape
What is (URL) Unique Resource Locator. This is used for that all pages on the internet have a special web filename which is individual to that page.
.oc or .com A commercial company; com usually means its an international business produced by the British Government a university or collage in the UK
.org a charity or non-commercial organisation
.pl a site registered in Poland
.au A site registered in Australia
.info a site that provides information
.sch a site belonging to a school
Research advantages They can research information about their customers and their needs. They can look at competitors They can question a larger sample of people Easier to obtain information.
Research disadvantages I can be expensive to by the market research The research or page could be incorrect or not recently done The business should only look at areas that have similar conduct.
Communication email social networking sites such as facebook and Bebo chat rooms Blogs
Communication disadvantages Can be sent to the wrong person. Can cause lack of confidentiality Some people get so much email they can class important emails as junk mail. You can be hacked A document may have to be scanned first which can take LONGER than a fax machine.
Communication advantages Quick and easy can cummincate easily either due to where they live. It is quicker to write an email than a business letter Most emails systems automatically attach a copy of the orginal copy Means a paperless office Time zones are not effected The features attract us to it (add multi pics and documents)
Obtaining supplies Business can look at a range of suppliers on the internet. This makes the process much quicker as they can find what they want quickly and good quality pictures can easily be uploaded.
What is E-commerce E-commerce is short for electronic, which means that the sale and purchase of good are carried out using an electronic system, usually the internet.
Online Shopping setting up without purpose-built premises, for example, the many small businesses that only trade on ebay. To sell goods using E-commerce they have to have access to a computer and be .com They need to build a secure payment program.
Online booking The internet allows the customer to check availability and price before booking the ticket or seat, by linking to a remote database.
Online auctions When selling through an auction the seller can either set a 'buy it now' price or can set a minimum amount they are prepared to sell for. Online selling normally set a fix fee for each item sold and extra for including photos.
The triangle Shopper website buys item Payment gateway Seller receives money Buyer receives goods or services
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