asian flash cards


8th grade mythology Flashcards on asian flash cards, created by Benjamin Joder on 06/12/2016.
Benjamin Joder
Flashcards by Benjamin Joder, updated more than 1 year ago
Benjamin Joder
Created by Benjamin Joder about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Agni Title- Hindu god of fire symbol- fire 1) Agni is the center of sacrifice 2) Agni is the mediator between humanly kind and the heavenly realm 3) His three forms are fire lighting and the sun
Brahma Title- Brahma the creator Symbol- The lotus 1) Brahma is one of the three major gods in Hinduism 2) Brahma is said to be the creator of the whole universe 3) Shiva cut one of Brahma's heads off
Vishnu Title- Vishnu the preserver Symbol- The Lotus 1) Vishnu is one of the three major gods in Hinduism 2) his role is to return to earth in troubled times and restore the balance of good and evil 3) Vishnu has reincarnated 9 times
Shiva Title- Shiva the destroyer Symbol- a trident called Trishula 1) Shiva is one of the three major gods in Hinduism 2) Shiva is accountable for the destruction of the world 3) Shiva has a bad temper
Ganapati/ Ganesh Title- Ganapati/Ganesh the remover of obstacles Symbol- broad crown 1) Also known as the patron god of traveling 2) Lord Shiva's son 3) Shiva beheaded Ganesh
saraswati Title- Saraswati the goddess of learning Symbol- a peacock 1) She is the guardian of earth 2) Saraswati guides the souls of the dead to the underworld 3) without Saraswati there is only chaos and confusion
Ganga Title- Sacred River Goddess Symbol- river and crocodile 1) considered the most sacred of Hindu gods 2) The sight or touch of Ganga removes all sins 3) The water of Ganga is very pure
Lakshmi Title- Hindu goddess of fortune Symbol- Gold 1) She is closely associated with the lotus 2) Left the gods because they became to arrogant 3) Her arms represent different directions
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