Religion review


Mysteries sacraments etc.
Maxwell  Stampfli
Flashcards by Maxwell Stampfli , updated more than 1 year ago
Maxwell  Stampfli
Created by Maxwell Stampfli about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the 5 joyful mysteries 1. The annunciation 2. The visitation 3. The nativity 4. The presentation 5. The finding
What are the 5 sorrowful mysteries 1. The agony in the garden 2. The scouring at the pillar 3. The crowning of thorns 4. The carrying of the cross 5. The crucifixion
What are the 5 luminous mysteries 1. The baptism of the lord 2. The wedding of Cana 3. The proclamation of the kingdom 4. The transfiguration 5. The institution
What are the 5 glorious mysteries 1. The resurrection 2. The ascension 3. The descent of the Holy Spirit 4. The assumption 5. The coronation
What is a sacrament A sacrament is an outward sign of inward grace
What are the 7 sacraments 1. Baptism 2. Holy Eucharist 3. Confirmation 4. Reconciliation 5. Holy orders 6. Matrimony 7. The sacrament of the sick
What are the 7 sacraments represented by A rainbow
In baptism we are ? Cleansed of original sin which we inherited from Adam and Eve
The word Eucharist means? Thanks giving
What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit Wisdom Knowledge Understanding Courage Fortitude Concel Fear of the lord
In reconciliation Jesus gave to his decipels the power to? Forgive sins
Mortal sins stop what? The flow of sanctifying grace
What does that mean (answer from before)? It means it causes death to the soul
What do venial sins do They offend God but do not cause death to the soul
Who are the ministers of holy matrimony The ministers are the bride and groom
What does the word advent mean It means arrival or coming
What colour is the first candle and what does it represent Purple. Hope
What is the colour of the second candle and what does it represent Purple. Preparation
What is the colour of the third candle and what does it represent Pink or rose. Joy
What is the colour of the forth candle and what does it represent Purple. Love
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