Law - Section 3 (Common Law)


Rights and freedoms in Common Law
Jannay Ballantyne
Flashcards by Jannay Ballantyne, updated more than 1 year ago
Jannay Ballantyne
Created by Jannay Ballantyne about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
3 Rights and Freedoms Canadian Bill of Rights (1960) Canadian Human Rights Act (1977) Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms (1975)
What do you need to change the constitution? Double Majority in court
Are the courts allowed to violate the constitution? Yes, in sections 2, 7-15, if they can prove that it's reasonable ("notwithstandingclause")
What is the sunset clause? it states that the change in constitution can only last 5 years and then it can be renewed
Can the courts limit rights? Yes, in section 1, if it can be proven reasonable and justified
What is section 2? Fundamental freedoms
What is Section 3,4 and 5? Democratic Rights (inalienable rights)
What is section 6? Mobility rights
What is section 7? Legal rights (fundamental rights) *can be taken away*
What is section 15? Equality rights
What is Section 16? Language rights
Aboriginal Rights Overrides others and cannot be taken away
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