Essential Nutrients


A brief description of each essential nutrient and its chemical symbol
Leah Jones
Flashcards by Leah Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Leah Jones
Created by Leah Jones over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
H Hydrogen. Is essential for plant growth and influences pH. Non-mineral nutrient.
C Carbon. Is essential for production of sugar, and is what makes an organic molecule. Non-mineral nutrient.
O Oxygen. Part of photosynthesis and sugar production. Non-mineral nutrient.
N Nitrogen. Can be a limiting factor for plant growth. Primary macronutrient.
P Phosphorus. Often most limiting factor for plant growth. Can cause problems with water supply when there is too much present. Primary macronutrient.
K Potassium. Primary macronutrient.
S Sulfur. Can be used to lower the pH of a soil. Secondary macronutrient.
Ca Calcium. High levels of calcium doesn't have any known negative effects on plants. Secondary macronutrient.
Mg Magnesium. Secondary macronutrient.
Fe Iron. In alkaline soils can cause iron chlorosis. Micronutrient.
Ni Nickel. Micronutrient.
Cl Chlorine. Micronutrient.
Mo Molybdenum. Micronutrient.
B Boron. Micronutrient.
Co Cobalt. Micronutrient.
Mn Manganese. Can cause toxicity if in too high of a concentration (ppm). Micronutrient.
Cu Copper. Can cause toxicity if in too high of a concentration (ppm). Micronutrient.
Zn Zinc. Can cause toxicity if in too high of a concentration (ppm). Micronutrient.
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