Biotic Interactions II


Biotic Interactions II
Shareef Akbari
Flashcards by Shareef Akbari, updated more than 1 year ago
Shareef Akbari
Created by Shareef Akbari about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is niche partitioning? Adaptive response where individuals go to different areas in their environment and alter their resource usage in the presence of competition
What is character displacement? Evolutionary change in resource usage after niche partitioning. Method of speciation.
What are the 6 forms of competition? define them and say whether it is resource or interference competition. 1. Consumptive: Exploitation of food. Resource competition. 2. Preemptive: Competition for space. Resource competition. 3. Overgrowth: Growing over or on another individual. Interference competition 4. Chemical: Plants will generate chemicals that damage other species. Interference competition. 5. Territorial: Aggressive defence or intent to defend some unit of space. Interference competition 6. Encounter: Interaction between 2 organisms that damages one or both of them. Interference competition.
What is Connel's theory of compensatory dynamics? Competition is only present when a change in population number of one species causes an inverse change in population number of the second.
What is diffuse competition? Competition between many species
Describe Keddy and Wilson's experiment. They developed a way to measure diffuse competition. They cleared plots along a gradient and divided each plot into 2 areas. In the first area they cleared out everything and grew each plant species alone. In the 2nd area, the plants were grown naturally. They then developed an equation that allowed them to calculate the average loss of biomass due to competition.
What is the relationship between competition intensity and net primary productivity? Proportional
What is competitive release? When one species goes extinct, the surviving species productivity, distribution and population number increase
What are the two assembly rules? 1. Some pairs of species never coexist by themselves or as a larger group. 2. Species that occur together should have lower niche overlap than species do at random probably due to character displacement.
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